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Text File | 1993-08-15 | 73.8 KB | 2,067 lines |
- +-----------------------+
- / /|
- +-----------------------+ |
- | Prg.name : TKEd V1.11 | |
- | Date : 02.11.1992 | +---------------------------+
- | |/ /|
- +-----------------------+---------------------------+ |
- | ---- Copyright Tom Kroener | |
- | /(c)| Richard Wagner Str. 40 | |
- | / TKs| D-6602 Saarbruecken-Dudweiler | |
- | / 1991| GERMANY | |
- | -------- +---------+ | |
- | | e-mail :| | |-----------------+
- | +-----------+ +-----------+ | | /|
- | | kroener@cs.uni-sb.de (internet) | | | / |
- | | thkro@stud.uni-sb.de (internet) | | | / +
- | | T_KROENER@FORUM.ZER (Zerberus) | | + / /|
- | +----------------------------------+ |/ / / |
- +---------------------------------------------------+-------------+ / |
- | TKEd is NOT public-domain. | / |
- | It may not be used in commercial products without my permission |/ |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |
- | TKEd is SHAREWARE. You may copy TKEd and give it to other people| |
- | as long as all files of the directory 'TKEd' are included and | |
- | no changes were made. | |
- | This version of TKEd allows you to load texts up to a length of | |
- | 9999 Bytes. | |
- | This should be enough to test TKEd. | |
- | You can test TKEd for two or three weeks, but if you want to | |
- | use TKEd after this time, you have to send me the shareware | |
- | contribution ($25 (U.S.) or 30 DM) | +
- | If you do so , you will become a registered user and you will | /|
- | get the latest update of TKEd (size of texts only limited | / |
- | by memory). | / +
- | ( If you send me an check, please use DM (Deutsche Mark)!! | / /
- | |/ /
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ /
- | Registered user can get the newest version of TKEd by sending me| /
- | $3 (U.S.) or 5 DM. |/
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
- #
- See the file 'Changes' for the changes to earlier versions of TKEd !
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- In this documenttext, all of the menus are described in the order of
- their appearence.
- So it's easy to find the description of the new menus.
- First I want to thank Nico Francois for his great 'reqtools.library'.
- ( 'reqtools.library' is © Nico Francois)
- Many thanks also to Michael Thiel and Stefan Winterstein for testing TKEd
- and discussing errors and features of TKEd, to Jason Trimble for testing
- and his suggestions and to Christoph Kirsch for his Lattice-errortool and
- his AREXX-scripts and Jörg Tögel and Thomas Schössow for their error-tools!
- **************************************************************************
- * Installation: *
- **************************************************************************
- To test TKEd without full installation start the program
- 'TKEd_QuickInstall' and than start TKEd.
- To install TKEd on a different disk or on a harddisk, start the program
- 'TKEd_Install' to do this.
- If the files 'libs:reqtools.library' and 'libs:powerpacker.library' don't
- If the files 'libs:reqtools.library' and 'libs:powerpacker.library' don't
- exist, TKEd_Install will copy them to your systems 'libs:'-directory.
- After that, TKEd_Install opens a filerequester to choose the directory
- where you want to install TKEd.
- Clicking 'OK!' will start copying all the files to the selected
- directory.
- Clicking 'Forget it' will quit the program.
- After that, start the program 'TKEd_Assign' from the directory where
- you have installed TKEd.
- This program assigns the logical directory 'TKEd:' to the current
- directory of TKEd.
- You can also add the line 'assign TKEd: dh0:Utilities/TKEd'
- to the file 's:startup-sequence' to make this assign everytime you
- boot your Amiga.
- Instead of dh0:Utilities/TKEd, you have to write your path to the
- directory 'TKEd'
- After that, you can copy TKEd wherever you want.
- For users with only one disk-drive:
- Because TKEd often read from the directory 'TKEd:' the disk where this
- directory is assigned to must often be inserted.
- If you don't want to do this, make a directory 'ram:TKEd' and copy
- the directories 'TKEd:Macros' and 'TKEd:Data' (including the files
- in these directories) to 'ram:TKEd'.
- Then go to CLI/Shell and start the command 'assign TKEd: ram:TKEd', and
- TKEd will look there for the data-files. ATTENTION: If you change the
- preferences and save the preferences to disk, the data is written to
- 'ram:TKEd/TKEd.cfg', so be shure to save this file (TKEd.cfg) to disk
- before you switch off your amiga or you will loose the changes.
- ******************
- * Possible Errors *
- ******************
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TKEd won't start correctly:
- a) The errormessage
- 'ERROR: Directory 'TKEd:Data/' not found!'
- appears:
- TKEd needs the directory 'TKEd:Data', where the 4 files 'Menu.d',
- 'Menu.e', 'Requests.d' and 'Requests.e' MUST exist.(If one or more
- of this files miss, TKEd won't work correctly)
- b) The message 'ERROR: 'TKEd:' not assigned'
- appears:
- The logical directory 'TKEd:' must exist.
- Create that directory
- from CLI/Shell:
- Enter 'assign TKEd: path', where path is the path to
- your TKEd-directory, e.g. 'assign TKEd: sys:Utilities/TKEd'
- from Workbench:
- Start the program 'TKEd_Assign' from the TKEd main directory
- c) The message
- 'ERROR: Stack < 10000'
- appears:
- TKEd needs a stack of 10000 to work correctly. Using less stack,
- TKEd will break sometimes after some minutes.
- If you run TKEd from the CLI or Shell, enter the command
- 'stack 10000' before starting TKEd.
- If you use your own icon for TKEd (= not the one I have created)
- you have to set this stack yourself: Select the icon with the
- mouse, select the workbench-menu 'Info' and write the value of
- 10000 into the field 'Stack'.
- Push the 'Return'-key and save this setting.
- d) An Alert shows the message 'missing reqtools.library V38'
- TKEd doesn't find the reqtools.library, or it find an old version
- of it.
- To install the version TKEd needs, use the tool 'Install_TKEd'
- to copy the correct version of the reqtools.library to your 'libs:'
- directory.
- If you want to do this 'by hand', first remove all prgramms using the
- reqtools.library, then copy the reqtools.library from the directory
- 'TKEd:libs' to your 'libs:' directory and execute the
- command 'avail FLUSH'
- e) The menus are empty or not correct
- The files 'TKEd:Data/Menu.d' or 'TKEd:Data/Menu.e' don't exist or
- are from other versions of TKEd.
- If possible install TKEd with the installationprogramm, not by hand!
- Use the tool 'Convert' to convert elder configurationfiles.
- f) The requesters are empty or not correct
- The files 'TKEd:Data/Requests.d' or 'TKEd:Data/Requests.e' don't exist or
- are from other versions of TKEd.
- If possible install TKEd with the installationprogramm, not by hand!
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you prefer to install TKEd 'by hand', you must create a directory 'TKEd'
- and copy all the files and directories into it.
- After that, you must copy the 'reqtools.library' and the
- 'powerpacker.library' to the 'libs:' directory.
- The rest (the assigns) : see above !
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | Important Important Important Important Important Important Important |
- |-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | |
- | 1. TKEd needs a stack of 10000 to work correctly. Using less stack, |
- | TKEd will break sometimes after some minutes. |
- | If you run TKEd from the CLI or Shell, enter the command |
- | 'stack 10000' before starting TKEd. |
- | If you use your own icon for TKEd (= not the one I have created) |
- | you have to set this stack yourself: Select the icon with the |
- | mouse, select the workbench-menu 'Info' and write the value of |
- | 10000 into the field 'Stack'. |
- | Push the 'Return'-key and save this setting. |
- | |
- | 2. Don't use configuration files ('TKEd.cfg') of other versions of |
- | TKEd, because I have changed some information in it. |
- | The configuration files of version V1.01 and newer will be |
- | compatible to future versions. (or if not I will include |
- | a tool to convert this file) |
- | |
- | 3. If the menus or requesters are empty, you must install TKEd with |
- | the program 'Install_TKEd' or you must copy 'by hand' the |
- | directory 'TKEd/Data' to the directory 'TKEd:'. The files in |
- | this directory have the data for the menus. |
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | Important Important Important Important Important Important Important |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- **************************************************************************
- * The Keys and the Mouse *
- **************************************************************************
- -Keys-
- Some of the menus of TKEd have shortcuts. This means, that you can
- also select a menu using the corresponding shortcut.
- The standard (AmigaDos) way to call shortcuts is to hold down
- the right Amiga button and then press the specified button.
- (e.g Amiga+l will show the TKEd filerequester)
- Some other shortcuts (e.g in the menu 'Misc') use the 'Ctrl' button
- instead of the right Amiga button.
- (e.g. Ctrl+l deletes one line ).
- To move cursor up or down, use the cursor up/down keys in combination with
- the alt-, shift- or the ctrl- key.
- Cursor up/down : Moves cursor one line up/down
- Alt + cursor up/down : Moves cursor 4 lines up/down
- Shift + cursor up/down : Moves cursor one page up/down
- Ctrl + cursor up/down : Moves cursor to the beginning/end of a text
- Cursor left/right : Moves cursor one character to the left/right
- Alt + cursor left/right : Moves cursor one word to the left/right
- Shift + cursor left/right : Moves cursor to the left/right end of the window
- Ctrl + cursor left/right : Moves cursor to the left/right end of a line
- For moving through the text, you can also use some of the keys of the numeric
- keypad in combination with the Shift (or Alt) key.
- Alt+Home (Key 7) goes to the beginning of the text.
- Alt+End (Key 1) goes to the end of the text.
- Alt+Pg Up (Key 9) goes one page up.
- Alt+Pg Dn (Key 3) goes one page down.
- The Help key shows some information about TKEd.
- The textrequester can also be handled by key-shortcuts: Press the
- underscored key and the corresponding gadget will be choosen.
- To handle the stringrequester via shortcuts, you have to press first
- the right 'Amiga'-key and while holding it down press the underscored
- key. (with the 'Amiga'-key, the key will be interpreted as an input to
- the text in the stringrequester.
- You can also use the following shortcuts, if they are not defined
- like above via the underscores:
- 'Y', 'Left amiga +V' or 'Return'-key : OK
- 'N' 'Left amiga +B' 'R' or 'Esc'-key : Cancel
- The information-requesters (those with one gadget to click on) can easily be
- closed using e.g. the 'Esc'-key
- -Mouse-
- You can place the cursor pressing the left mousebutton at the character
- you want.
- If the cursor position would be right of the end of the line, it will be
- placed at the end of the line.
- If you want to scroll the text up or down, move the mouse to the first or
- to the last two lines of the visible part of the text, hold down the
- left mousebutton and press any key or click the right mousebutton.
- The mouse is also used to mark parts of the text (see also the Menu
- 'Mark Block')
- **************************************************************************
- * Loading a text *
- **************************************************************************
- There are 4 ways to load a text:
- 1. Start TKEd and use the menu 'Load'
- 2. Start TKEd from the CLI (or Shell) with the (path-) names of the texts:
- (e.g. 'TKEd s:startup-sequence s:hd-startup' will start TKEd and load
- the texts 's:startup-sequence' and 's:hd-startup')
- 3. Hold down the 'Shift' key, select the icons of the texts, select the
- icon of TKEd and use the (workbench-) menu 'Open'.
- TKEd will start and load all selected texts.
- 4. Select the icon of the text, start the (workbench-) menu 'Info',
- and write the path of TKEd (e.g 'sys:Utilities') into the field
- 'Default Tool' .
- After saving this, you can start TKEd by clicking the icon of
- the text and TKEd will load the text.
- 5. If you use OS2.04 (or newer), the small window of an 'iconified'
- TKEd (see menu 'Iconify') is an appWindow.
- So you can load a text by dragging the icon of a text on this small
- window.
- **************************************************************************
- * The Menus *
- **************************************************************************
- All menus and texts in the requesters are english (default). If you want
- german menus and requesters, goto the prefs menu and choose the menu
- Language->German.
- ATTENTION: The english and german texts of the menus and the requesters
- are in the directory 'TKEd:Data'.
- You shouldn't change this texts, because TKEd doesn't check
- the correct length of each text, and a line longer than expected
- can make some trouble while working with TKEd.
- If you want a TKEd using french, spanish or another language:
- Send me a letter (or better a disk) with the correct translations
- of the texts in 'TKEd:Data' for your language.
- With this data, I will add a menu for your language to the
- 'Prefs'-menu!
- ***********
- * Project ****************************************************************
- ***********
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -New-
- Delete all the text.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Open-
- Opens a filerequester to choose the file to load.
- If the text was packed with the PowerPacker, TKEd needs more memory to
- decrunch it. If you have not enough memory to do this, first decrunch
- the text with the PowerPacker (See Fish 253 for the PD-version of
- the PowerPacker) and then load the decrunched text.
- You can also select a file using the arrow-keys (up/down: one line
- up/down; shift+ up/down: one page up/down)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Save-
- Saves the text.
- If TKEd finds not enough memory to save the text in the 'normal' mode,
- it saves the text in a slower mode that doesn't need any additional
- memory.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Save As-
- Opens a filerequester to choose the path and the filename for saving
- the text.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Print-
- Sends the text to the printer.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Insert File-
- Opens a filerequester to choose the file to be inserted in the
- text.
- The file will be inserted between the current line and the previous
- line .
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -About-
- Shows some information about the author and the version of TKEd.
- The name of the current AREXX-port (for the first TKEd 'TKEd.1',
- for the second 'TKEd.2'....) is also showed.
- This is the name you have to use in an AREXX-program to address the
- AREXX-port of TKEd. (e.g. "address 'TKEd.1'")
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Iconify-
- This 'iconifies' TKEd, what means that TKEd closes its screen and its
- window and opens a very small window on the workbench screen.
- So it needs 50.000 Byte less chipmemory.
- If you want to change the position of the icon, move it (like other
- windows) with your mouse and save the position with the menu 'Prefs Save'.
- You can also force this option with the parameter '-i' from CLI or Shell.
- Use the parameter '-i' as the last parameter. (after the filenames
- to load).
- Click with the left mousebutton on the closing gagdet or with the
- right mousebutton anywhere on the small window to get the
- 'normal' size of TKEd.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Sleep-
- This removes the screen and the window of TKEd, but keeps TKEd itself
- ( and all the texts) in memory.
- You can invoke TKEd by pessing the keys 'Ctrl' 'Shift' 'Alt' 'Space'
- simultaniously.
- TKEd also awakes when it receives any AREXX-command or when the icon
- of a text was moved on the application window (only OS 2.04 or newer)
- of TKEd.
- You can force this option with the parameter '-s' from CLI or Shell.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -SaveAll & Quit-
- Saves all modified buffers and quit TKEd.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Save & Quit-
- Saves the text and quit TKEd.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Quit-
- Quit TKEd.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *********
- * Prefs ******************************************************************
- *********
- ATTENTION: Preferences made under Kickstart 1.2 or 1.3 can be used under
- newer versions (OS 2.04 or newer) without any problems.
- Preferences made under Kickstart 2.04 or newer can cause some
- misterious errors after switching back to Kickstart 1.3 (when
- I choose the screen-mode 'NTSC-Hires' under Kickstart 2.04
- the proportionalgadget of the filerequester don't move under
- kickstart 1.3 when dragging it with the mouse, but after
- re-saving the preferences and re-loading them everything
- was alright)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Load-
- If you have changed the preferences, you can load the preferences which
- you have saved earlier.
- If you start TKEd, it does this automaticly.
- It looks in the current directory for a file named 'TKEd.cfg', and
- if nothing is found, it looks for it in the directory 'TKEd:'.
- If it has found nothing, TKEd will start with a default
- configuration.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Save-
- Opens a filerequester to save your preferences.
- Default filename is 'TKEd:TKEd.cfg'
- The information saved is:
- -The colors
- -The number of spaces for each tab
- -If auto indent is on or off
- -The information of the 'Backup'- submenus
- -All the data of the User - menus (commands, texts, etc)
- -All the data of the ARexx - menus
- -The shortcuts of the 'Amiga'- menus.
- -The information of the 'Language', 'Screen' and 'Fonts' menus
- Never edit a configurationfile of TKEd or the files in the directory
- 'TKEd:Data' 'by hand' using an ASCII- or HEX-editor.
- TKEd espects the format it had saved earlier and doesn't check
- all values in the file.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Default-
- Sets the preferences to the default values and clears all User - menus
- and all ARexx - menus.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Language-
- - English
- English menus and english requesters
- - Deutsch
- German menus and german requesters
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Screen
- If you use Kickstart 1.2 or 1.3:
- Opens a requester with 5 options:
- - x-Position-
- Sets the horizontal position of the screen (visible only with OS >= 2.0)
- You can also position the screen (like other screens) with the mouse
- and save the position with the menu 'Prefs Save'
- - y-Position-
- Sets the vertical position of the screen
- You can also position the screen (like ohter screens) with the mouse
- and save the position with the menu 'Prefs Save'
- - Height-
- Sets the width of the screen. TKEd computes a with corresponding
- to the width of the current font
- - Width-
- Sets the hight of the screen. TKEd computes a hight corresponding
- to the hight of the current font
- - Interlace-
- Switches interlace on/off
- If you use OS 2.04 or newer:
- -Opens a 'ScreenmodeRequester' to show all the available screenmodes.
- You can also enter the size and the hieght of the screen and wether
- it shall be an autoscroll-screen or not.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Fonts-
- Here you can choose the size of the font
- IMPORTANT: If you want to use the fonts, first start the program
- 'Install_Font' to copy the TKEd-fonts to your 'fonts:'
- directory.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Colors-
- Opens a color requester to change the colors of TKEd.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Tab Size-
- How many spaces are printed for one tab ( TKEd handles no tabs).
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Folds Start
- Opens a requester to enter the text which TKEd uses to recognize
- the start of a folding (max. 20 characters)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Folds End
- Opens a requester to enter the text which TKEd uses to recognize
- the end of a folding (max. 20 characters)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -ShortCuts-
- Gives you the possibility to define your own shortcuts for the
- menus using the standard AmigaDos shortcuts (not the menus with
- the Ctrl-key-shortcuts).
- Shows a textrequester with a string containing the characters
- of the shortcuts of the menus (in the order of their appearance).
- To change a shortcut, delete the character you want to change
- and replace it by the one you like.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Textline-
- Two submenus
- -Line length-
- Opens a requester to adjust the max. length of a line.
- If (while writing) the max. length is reached, the cursor will
- automaticly continue writting in the next line.
- The value 255 (=max. Linelength) disables this function
- -Wordwrap ON-
- If this menu is marked and the max. linelength is < 255 (see above)
- the last word of the current line will also be moved to the next
- line after reaching the adjusted linelength.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Auto Indent-
- If auto indent is off, each line (after pressing 'RETURN') starts
- at column 1.
- If auto indent is on, each line starts under the first character
- of the previous line, which is not a space.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Set scriptflag-
- IF scriptflag is on, the script-flag ('s') will be set when saving
- a text.
- If you have Kickstart > 1.2 you can start a script without
- using 'execute' if this flag is set.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Open AppWindow-
- If htis menu is on, TKEd opens an 'Application-Window' on the Workbench-
- screen. When you put with the mouse the icon of a text on this window,
- TKEd loads this text into the next free textbuffer
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Backup-
- Some functions to specify the way TKEd makes backups:
- -Safe Saves-
- IF 'Safe Saves' is on, TKEd will first rename an existing file before
- overwriting it.
- After succesful saving, TKEd will remove the renamed file.
- ATTENTION: This option switches off 'Autobackup' and 'VersionBackup'!
- -AutoBackup-
- If 'AutoBackup' is on, TKEd makes a backup of your text (with the ending
- '.bak') while saving a text
- ATTENTION: This option switches off 'Safe Saves' and 'VersionBackup'!
- -VersionBackup-
- If 'VersionBackup' is on, TKEd makes different versions of backups
- of your text (with the ending '.bakX') while saving a text.
- X stands for a digit from 0 to 30000.
- Example:If you have a text named 'Letter' and you save it three times,
- the backups 'Letter.bak0', 'Letter.bak1' and 'Letter.bak2'
- will be created.
- The newest version of the text will still have the name 'Letter'.
- The eldest version will have the name 'Letter.bak0'
- ATTENTION: This option switches off 'Autobackup' and 'Safe Saves'!
- -Remember with request-
- If this is on, TKEd remembers you after the time entered in the menu
- 'Enter time' to save the current text (if modified). If this is not
- on, TKEd saves the text after this time without asking.
- -Enter time...-
- Allows you to enter the time after which TKEd remembers you to save the
- text or save the text without requesting.
- -Set Extension-
- Opens a requester to enter the extension for the backups.
- (Default: '.bak')
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Show Files-
- Opens a requester to enter the name of files you want to see
- in the filerquester.
- Accepts wildcards like '#' and '#?'. You can also use '~' as logical
- not.
- Default: ~(#?.bak#?) ==> show all files without '.bak' in the name.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Search Prefs-
- To submenus for the search/replace function
- -Ignore Case-
- Ignore the case of a character (e = E)
- -Wildcards-
- You can use '?' in the searchstring as a wildcard.
- Example: If you search the string 'c?me' you will find all words like
- 'come', 'came' 'cyme' ...
- Wildcards only works if 'Ignore Case' is switched on.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- **********
- * Search *****************************************************************
- **********
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Find-
- Shows a textrequester to enter the text to search for.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Next-
- Goes to the next occurrence of the text to search for.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Previous--
- Goes to the previous occurrence of the text to search for.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Find/Replace-
- Shows a textrequester to enter the text to search for,
- than another textrequester to enter the text which shall
- replace the searched text.
- After that, for each occurrence of the search text, a requester
- will ask you whether you want to replace the text, whether you
- don't want to replace it or whether you want to stop the
- searching/replacing.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Replace next-
- Goes to the next occurrence of the searched text and asks to replace it.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Replace previous-
- Goes to the previous occurrence of the searched text and asks to
- replace it.
- ATTENTION: 'Replace All' will replace all occurences forward (to the
- end of the file). Replace all backward is not possible
- (sorry)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Count Occurences-
- Like the menu 'Find', but counts all the occurences in the text.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Matching Bracket-
- If the cursor is positioned over a bracket, this function will locate
- the bracket belonging to this bracket (if there is any).
- Handles (), [] and {}.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Search current char-
- Reads the current character and calls the search-function with this
- character as argument.
- Very usefull to search/replace characters which an Amiga cannot
- display, e.g. in texts ported from another type of computer.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Goto Mark 0-
- ...
- ...
- -Goto Mark 9-
- If you have marked a line (see New Mark) TKEd will move to the
- marked line.
- Very nice if you use the shortcuts 0,1,...8,9.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -New Mark-
- Marks the current line with the number you enter in the requester.
- You can set up to 10 different marks by using the numbers 0..9.
- Using a number twice will overwrite the first mark.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Clear Mark-
- Clears the mark you select.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *********
- * Block ******************************************************************
- *********
- Remark: If you want copy very large blocks, it's better to use 'Save Block'
- and 'Insert Block' instead of 'Copy' and 'Paste', because
- 'Copy' and 'Paste' needs much more time (and memory) than
- 'Save Block' and 'Insert Block'.
- Marking with the mouse:
- There are some additional functions available which cannot be used
- via menus:
- Clicking at a char 2-times: Mark word
- Clicking at a char 3-times: Mark line
- Clicking at a char 4-times: If the cursor is on a bracket, mark the
- text from the bracket to the corresponding
- one
- You can also mark by pressing the left mousebutton on the first character
- you want to mark, the move the mouse (while pressing the button) down to
- the line and to the last character you want to mark (TKEd will scroll
- the text if the last visible line is reached) and than release the
- mousebutton. The marked region will be displayed inverse!
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Mark Block-
- Marks the beginning of a block.
- Move the cursor up/down to mark the end of the region.
- (Only movements without 'Alt'- or 'Shift'-key)
- If you don't want to mark all the lines while moving up/down
- press the right 'Alt' key ; these lines will not be marked
- You can also move the cursor to the right to change the left beginning
- of a marked line.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Mark vertical Block-
- ATTENTION: You need this menu only for vertical block with a width
- of 1 (one character).
- All other vertical markings can be made without using
- this menu!
- To specify the width of the vertical block, move the mouse from left
- to right will holding down the left mousebutton.
- Move the cursor up/down to mark the end of the region.
- You also can mark every line you want (e.g. line 2, 3, 16, 29...) and
- in each line a different part of it (e.g. line 2 : character 1 to 7,
- line 5 : character 17 to 97
- line 100: charcater 102 to 104...)
- if you place the mouse at a different line and mark the line
- with it (see above).
- This will not remove the marks you have done earlier.
- After 'Copy' or 'Cut', the lines are all in an internal block.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Mark all-
- Marks all lines of a text; Current cursor-position marks the left
- end of the block!
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Cut Block-
- Cuts all the marked charcters from the text into an internal buffer.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Copy Block-
- Copies all the marked characters into an internal buffer.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Delete Block-
- Deletes all lines of a marked block.
- Could be also realized using 'Cut Block' but needs no extra memory.
- ATTENTION: This function only deletes one marked block. If you have
- marked more parts of a text, this function will do nothing!
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Paste Block-
- Inserts a block from the internal buffer to the text.
- Each line of the internal buffer will have a new line in the text.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Paste vertical Block-
- Inserts a block from the internal buffer into the lines of the text.
- ( no new lines will be created)
- Each line of the internal buffer will be inserted in an existing line
- from the current position of the cursor.
- If the line would be too long, a part of the line from the internal
- buffer will be lost.
- If 'Paste vertical Blocks' reaches the end of the text, it stops.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Block->-
- Moves each line of a marked block one column to the right.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Block<--
- Moves each line of a marked block one column to the left.
- Lines beginning at column 1 will not be moved.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Unmark Block-
- Unmarks a marked block.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ===============
- About foldings: With TKEd you ahve the possibility to fold parts of a
- =============== text.
- The folded parts of a text are still in memory, but not
- visible on the screen.
- The last line just before such a folding will be displayed
- in a different colour.
- This function makes it much easier to work with large
- text or programs.
- For the start and the end of a folded block exist two
- keywords (see menu 'Prefs'), which can be any kind of
- text (up to 20 charcters).
- The default keywords are '(*On*)' and '(*Off*)', so my
- compile handle it like commends.
- All text between this two line (including this lines)
- will be invisible after selecting the menu 'Fold text'.
- If you have folded large blocks, TKEd will be a little
- bit slower than normaly, but I think its not to much.
- Important: Functions like 'Search','Replace', 'Cut Blocks' work
- not correctly with folded blocks, so unfold the parts
- of a text before you use this functions.
- All this functions only see the text that you see!
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Fold marked text-
- Inserts the keywords in the first and the last marked line and calls
- the function 'Fold text'.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Fold next-
- Folds the next possible part of a text (if exist)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Unfold next-
- Unfolds the next folded part of a text (if exist)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Fold text-
- Folds all possible parts of a text.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Unfold text-
- Unfold all folded parts of a text.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Insert-
- Opens a filerequester to load a saved block.
- Default name: 't:blk'
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Print-
- Sends the internal buffer (see 'Copy' and 'Cut') to the printer.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Save-
- Shows a filerequester to choose the path and the filename for saving
- the internal block. (See also 'Copy' and 'Cut' ).
- Default name: 't:blk'
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ********
- * User *******************************************************************
- ********
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -F1 - F10-
- If you don't want to use the mouse, pressing the keys F1 - F10,
- will also execute the command.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Select command-
- Opens a filerequester to select the program to execute.
- A path to a program can be saved with the preferences.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Set Menu:- (1-10)
- Shows a textrequester which allows you to enter the command that will
- be executed if you select the menu or the function key that belongs
- to the menu.
- If the command contains [] , TKEd will show a requester ( while
- excuting the command) and you can enter a text, which will replace
- the []. If the [] are in a text, be sure that one blank is before
- and (if text follows) one blank is after the [].
- Examples : copy [] to ram:
- execute []
- If the command contains {}, TKEd will replace the {} by the name of the
- currently loaded file. (be sure to save your text if you have modified
- it).
- About the blanks before or after the {} : see above.
- Examples : copy {} to ram:
- lc -l {}
- NEW: If you add a @ followed be a 2-digit number (e.g. {}@12), the last
- 12 characters of the name of your text will be deleted.
- Examples:
- Name of the text: command: resulting name:
- ------------------------------------------------------
- Hello.c {}@02 --> Hello (.c deleted)
- Scroll.asm {}@04 --> Scroll (.asm deleted)
- Hello.world {}@07 --> Hell (o.world deleted)
- There must be no blanks in this sequence, and the number must
- have 2 digits (no more, no less), otherwise the name of the text
- will not be modified.
- This option is very usefull for programmers who want to start
- a programm after compiling it without entering a new filename or
- leaving TKEd.
- If the command contains (), TKEd will open a filerequester to make it
- easy to enter the path to a file.
- Example : muchmore ()
- Combinations of {}, () and [] are possible; you can also use each kind
- of bracket several times.
- Examples : copy {} to []
- rename () ()
- lc [] {}
- The command text (after inserting the parameters for (),[] or {} )
- can have a length up to 255 characters.
- After the textrequester for the command, another one will appear which
- allows you to enter the text which will be shown in the menu.
- This text can have a length up to 18 characters.
- If you save your preferences, this data will be saved and reloaded
- everytime you start TKEd.
- If you set a menu, existing data will be overwritten, so you
- don't have to clear it first.
- To give you the possibility to have a look at the output of an executed
- command, TKEd normaly makes a 'Workbenchtofront' before executing a
- g.SetDrMd (rp, SHORTSET{g.inversvid});
- X, 0);
- ve his ok to close
- the outputwindow.
- If you don't want to see anythink, add the keyword 'noreq' to the
- command.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Clear Menu-
- Clears the data of the menu.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *********
- * ARexx ******************************************************************
- *********
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Shift F1 - Shift F10-
- If you don't want to use the mouse, pressing the keys Shift F1 - Shift F10
- will also execute the command.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Select command-
- Opens a filerequester to select the AREXX-program to execute.
- A path to a program can be saved with the preferences.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Set Menu:- (1-10)
- Shows a textrequester which allows you to enter the name of a
- AREXX-program that will be executed if you select the menu or the
- function key that belongs to the menu.
- If the command contains [] , TKEd will show a requester ( while
- excuting the command) and you can enter a text, which will replace
- the []. If the [] are in a text, be sure that one blank is before
- and (if text follows) one blank is after the [].
- Examples : copy [] to ram:
- execute []
- If the command contains {}, TKEd will replace the {} by the name of the
- currently loaded file. (be sure to save your text if you have modified
- it).
- About the blanks before or after the {} : see above.
- Examples : copy {} to ram:
- lc -l {}
- NEW: If you add a @ followed be a 2-digit number (e.g. {}@12), the last
- 12 characters of the name of your text will be deleted.
- Examples:
- Name of the text: command: resulting name:
- ------------------------------------------------------
- Hello.c {}@02 --> Hello (.c deleted)
- Scroll.asm {}@04 --> Scroll (.asm deleted)
- Hello.world {}@07 --> Hell (o.world deleted)
- This function could also be done by the called AREXX-program
- as well, but why remove an existing routine (it was made for the
- 'User'-menus, see section above for details) if it could be
- of use for someone ?
- If the command contains (), TKEd will open a filerequester to make it
- easy to enter the path to a file.
- Example : muchmore ()
- Combinations of {}, () and [] are possible; you can also use each kind
- of bracket several times.
- Examples : 4print.rexx {}
- rexxformat.rexx []
- The command text (after inserting the parameters for (),[] or {} )
- can have a length up to 255 characters.
- After the textrequester for the command, another one will appear which
- allows you to enter the text which will be shown in the menu.
- This text can have a length up to 18 characters.
- If you save your preferences, this data will be saved and reloaded
- everytime you start TKEd.
- If you set a menu, existing data will be overwritten, so you
- don't have to clear it first.
- TKEd searches the AREXX-program first in the current directory, then in
- the directory 'REXX:'.
- TKEd executes an AREXX-program synchronous (you have to wait until
- the program has terminated).
- If you add the keyword 'async' to the command-text, the AREXX-program
- will be executed asynchronous, so you can work with
- TKEd will the AREXX-program is running in the backround.
- After the AREXX-program has terminated, a requester will appear displaying
- the results of the AREXX-program.
- Both results should be 0 (if the program returns no errors)
- If you don't want this requester, add the keyword 'noreq' to the
- name of the AREXX-program.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Clear Menu-
- Clears the data of the menu.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ***********
- * Special ****************************************************************
- ***********
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Macros-
- -Start Learning-
- If you select this, TKEd will ask you the key to assign the macro to.
- You can use all the keys of your keyboard (except shift and alt).
- If you use the qualifiers 'shift' or 'alt', you can specify up to
- 3 different macros for each key (key, key+shift, key+alt).
- After this all actions you make (including keys, menus etc.)
- will be recorded by TKEd until you select 'Macros -Stop Learning-'.
- If you want to include cursor movements which need qualifiers like
- 'shift', 'alt' or 'Ctrl', you must use the corresponding menus
- to realise this movements.
- ( e.g. use menu 'End of line' instead of 'shift + cursor right').
- -Stop Learning-
- Stops the recording of your actions.
- -Load Macros-
- Loads macros you have saved earlier.
- TKEd automaticly loads the macros everytime you start it.
- -Save Macros-
- Saves all macros to the directory 'TKEd:Macros'.
- -Clear one Macro-
- If you push a key which is assigned to a macro, this macro will
- be deleted.
- -Clear all Macros-
- Clears all the macros.
- If you don't want to load macros while starting TKEd,
- use 'Save macros' after you have cleared.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Undo-
- -Current line-
- Restores the current line if modified.
- ATTENTION: TKEd can remember only the lines after a 'Garbage Collection.
- Lines modified before a 'Gabage Colleaction; will not be
- restored.
- The maximum lines TKEd can remember is 200: If more lines
- are modified, TKEd will automaticly make a
- 'Garbage Collection'.
- A 'Garbage Collection' will also happen if you save a text
- or if you change the buffer !.
- -All lines-
- Restores all modified lines (see above).
- -Undelete line-
- If you have deleted a line with the function 'Delete line', this will
- re-insert the line in the text.
- -Undelete Block-
- If you have deleted a block via the menu 'Block... Delete', you can
- restore this block with this function.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Mark modified-
- Marks all modified lines (up to 200, see 'Undo').
- Helpfull before making 'Undo'
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Set current path-
- With this function, you can change the current directory from the one you
- have started TKEd to any other.
- TKEd will make a 'cd' to the choosen directory.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Helpmode-
- Switch to help-mode of TKEd: For each menu you select a small help-text
- will be display. Select this menu again to leave help-mode.
- *********
- * Misc1 *******************************************************************
- *********
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Page Up-
- Moves the cursor one page up.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Page down-
- Moves the cursor one page down.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Begin of file-
- Moves the cursor to the very first character position in the file.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -End of file-
- Moves the cursor to the last page of the file.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Begin of line-
- Moves the cursor to column 1 of the current line.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -End of line-
- Moves the cursor to the right end of the current line.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Goto line-
- Shows a requester which allows you to enter the number of the line
- to go to.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Next Word-
- Moves the cursor to the next word.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Previous Word-
- Moves the cursor to the previous word.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *********
- * Misc2 *******************************************************************
- *********
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Delete Word-
- Removes the rest of the word the cursor is standing on.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Delete line-
- Removes the current line.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Delete to EOL-
- Removes the contents of the current line from the
- cursor position towards the right end of the line.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -JoinLines-
- Joins the current line with the previous line
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Clone line-
- Makes a copy of the current line
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Swap Chars-
- Swaps the character on which the cursor stands, and the following one.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Swap Case-
- Changes the character under the cursor from uppercase (lowercase) to
- lowercase (uppercase).
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *********
- * Misc3 *******************************************************************
- *********
- -Errors-:
- It is useful for programmers if an editor has the possibility to display
- the error-messages of their compilers.
- Most of the compilers have their own style to show up errors, and I don't
- know all of them.
- So I decide to create a (simple) standard for the error-messages, and
- TKEd is able to work with it.
- If your compiler differs from this standard, you have two possibilities:
- a) Write a small tool which converts the error-messages of your compiler
- into a form which can be read by TKEd.
- Most of the compilers put their messages into an opened console window,
- so it's easy to redirect them into a file (my tool 'TKA68KErr' executes
- the command 'A68K > ram:tmperr' and modifies the created file
- 'ram:tmperr').
- b) If you don't know how to write such a tool, start your compiler,
- redirect the output into a file ( like 'compile > ram:text.err')
- and send this file and some information about your compiler
- ( language, version ...) to me.
- If possible (and if I have enough time to do that), I will write
- the tool
- So and now the information about the format TKEd needs:
- 1.
- The tool must create a file named 'ram:TKErr' that contains the information
- for TKEd.
- 2.
- For each error, the file must contain three lines of information:
- a) The linenumber of the error
- b) The column of the error
- c) The error-message (maximum length: 144 characters)
- All the information must be normal ascii-text.
- ( You have to save the linenumber as a string, not as an integer !!)
- 3.
- Be sure that there are no empty lines between the three lines
- belonging to one error.
- 4.
- An example for a text showing three errors:
- 2
- 12
- Syntax error
- 10
- 1
- ) expected
- 33
- 5
- Unexpected end of file
- 5.
- Be sure that your tool works correctly, because TKEd doesn't control
- what it reads.
- If your tool creates an uncorrect file, the error menus will show
- anything but not the errors.
- 6.
- The tools should work like normal dos commands, so that it can
- be started using the 'User'-menus (see above).
- 7.
- On this disk, I include 5 errortools:
- Name: Compiler: Language: Author:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TKOberonErr Oberon V2.0 Oberon Tom Kroener
- V2.0 - V2.14
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TKA68KErr A68K V2.61 Assembler Tom Kroener
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TKaz5_2err Aztec C 5.2 C Thomas Schössow
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LatticeErrToTKEd Lattice C V4.0 C Christoph Kirsch
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Dice_To_TKEd_OS1.3 Dice C C Jörg Tögel
- Dice_To_TKEd_OS2.0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Many thanks to Thomas Schössow for programming the Aztec-C errortool
- to Christoph Kirsch for the Lattice-C errortool and to Jörg Tögel
- for the Dice-C errortool.
- The tools are in the directory 'ErrorTools' and should be used
- from the usermenus of TKEd.
- I don't know if these tools work fine with other versions of these
- compilers, but I hope so.
- If you use TKOberonErr, the program 'OErr' (a tool belonging to the
- Oberon-compiler) should be placed in a directory of a path for
- AmigaDos commands (e.g. 'sys:', 'c:' or other added paths).
- If you use TKA68KErr, the program 'A68K' .... (see above)
- Same procedure for using TKaz5_2err and LatticeErrToTKEd.
- (additional documentation from the authors (Thomas Schössow and
- Christoph Kirsch) is also included in the directory
- 'TKEd:ErrorTools/docs/').
- a) You must set the compiler option of Aztec C 5.2 to -wq
- This option forces the compiler to create the file aztec.err,
- which is used by TKaz5_2err the create the errorfile for
- TKEd.
- (See also 'TKEd:ErrorTools/doc/TKaz5_2err.doc' for
- details).
- b) Using LatticeErrToTKEd you must start the compiler
- with the option 'lc >T:Err -L <filename>'
- An example script (Compile_Lattice) to show how to make
- this is incuded.
- (See also 'TKEd:ErrorTools/doc/LatticeErrToTKEd.doc' for
- details).
- If someone programs such a tool for any other compiler and it works
- fine, I would be happy if he (or she) send it to me.
- I will publish it with the next version of TKEd.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -First Error-
- Jumps to the first error and displays a requester with the errormessage.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Next Error-
- Jumps to the next error and displays a requester with the errormessage.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Enter Ascii-
- Allows you to enter the ascii value of a character (0-255)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Free Memory-
- Gives you some information about the available memory.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Remove ANSI-
- Removes all ANSI-codes. (codes like e.g. )
- **********
- * Buffer *****************************************************************
- **********
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Goto Buffer-
- 0..9 : Shows the text in buffer 0..9
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *********
- * AREXX ******************************************************************
- *********
- Most of the functions of TKEd can be used by an AREXX program.
- The AREXX-port of TKEd has the name 'TKEd.1' and can be accessed after
- the ARREX-command 'address 'TKEd.1''.
- Attention: The Portname is TKEd.1, not TKED.1 (it's a small 'd')
- For further details consult your ARREX-manual.
- For each TKEd you start, another port with another number as extension
- will be opened (e.g if you start TKEd three times, the ports
- 'TKEd.1', 'TKEd.2' and 'TKEd.3' will exist).
- The commands are not case sensitive, therefore 'InsertFile',
- 'INSERTFILE', 'inSErtfILe'... calls all the same function
- of TKEd.
- Some commands need special parameters like 'UP', 'DOWN', 'LEFT',
- 'RIGHT', 'ON', 'OFF', 'FORCE'...
- These parameters are no more (!!) case sensitive since TKEd V1.10, therefore
- UP, uP Up and up are also accepted!
- Normaly, TKEd executes an AREXX-program synchronous (you have to wait
- until the program has terminated).
- If you add the keyword 'async' to the command-text of the menu , the
- AREXX-program will be executed asynchronous, so you can work with
- TKEd will the AREXX-program is running in the backround.
- If the AREXX-program terminates, a textrequester will show you
- the results.
- If you add the keyword 'noreq' to the command-text of the menu , this
- requester will not appear.
- Now the list of the names, functions, parameters and results of the
- AREXX-functions:
- No. Name
- -Function
- -Parameters
- -Returnvalues
- This version of TKEd has 109 different AREXX-commands:
- ***************
- *** Project ***
- ***************
- 1. New
- -Clears all the text
- -No parameter
- -Nothing
- 2: Open
- -Loads a text
- -1:Name of the text (No parameter: opens a filerequester)
- -Name of the text, if successful, else 10
- 3. Save
- -Saves a text
- -No parameter
- -0 if succesful, else 10
- 4. SaveAs
- -Saves a text with a new name (the loaded text keeps his name)
- -1:New name of the text
- -New name, if succesful, else 10
- 5. Print
- -Sends the text to the printer
- -Rückgabewer
- -0 if successful, else 10
- 6. InsertFile
- -Inserts a text
- -1:Name of the text
- -Name of the inserted text, if successful, else 10
- 7. SaveAllAndQuit
- -Saves all modified buffers and quits TKEd
- -No parameter
- -Nothing
- 8. SaveAndQuit
- -Saves a text and quits TKEd
- -No parameter
- -0 if succesful, else 10
- 9. Quit
- -Quit TKEd
- -No parameter (FORCE suppresses the Modified requester)
- -Nothing
- *************
- *** Prefs ***
- *************
- 1. Indent
- -Switches indent on/off
- -ON, to switch on, anything else will switch off
- -Nothing
- 2. AutoBackup
- -Switches autobackup on/off
- -ON, to switch on, anything else will switch off
- -Nothing
- 3. VersionBackup
- -Switches versionbackup on/off
- -ON, to switch on, anything else will switch off
- -Nothing
- 4. SetExtension
- -Changes the extension of Backups
- -String with the extension (up to 10 characters)
- -Nothing
- **************
- *** Search ***
- **************
- 1. Find
- -Searches a word in the text (forward)
- -1:word to search for (No parameter: opens a textrequester)
- -0 if found, else 10
- 2. FindBack
- -Searches a word in the text (backward)
- -1:word to search for (No parameter: opens a textrequester)
- -0 if found, else 10
- 3. FindNext
- -Searches next occurence of the word
- -No parameters
- -0 if found, else 10
- 4. FindPrevious
- -Searches previous occurence of the word
- -No parameters
- -0 if found, else 10
- 5. FindChange
- -Searches for the next occurence of a word and replaces it with another
- -1:Word to search for 2:Replacing word (no parameter: opens
- a textrequester)
- -0 if possible, else 10
- 6. ChangeNext
- -Searches for the next occurence of a word and replaces it with another
- one
- -1:Word to search for 2:Replacing word
- -0 if possible, else 10
- 7. ChangePrevious
- -Searches for the previous occurence of a word and replaces it with
- another one
- -1:Word to search for 2:Replacing word
- -0 if possible, else 10
- 8. ChangeAll
- -Replaces all occurences of a word with another
- -1:Word to search for 2:Replacing word
- -Nothing
- 9. CountOccurences
- -Counts all occurences of a word in a text
- -1:word
- -Number of occurences
- 10. MatchingBracket
- -See menu 'Matching Bracket'
- -No parameters
- -0 if matching bracket found, else 10
- *****************
- *** BookMarks ***
- *****************
- 1. GotoBookMark
- -Goes to the mark
- -Number of the mark (0..9)
- -0 if successful, else 10
- 2. SetBookMark
- -Sets a new mark
- -Number of the new mark (0..9)
- -0 if successful, else 10
- 3. ClearBookMark
- -Clears a mark
- -Number of the mark (0..9)
- -0 if successful, else 10
- **************
- *** Blocks ***
- **************
- See also menu 'Blocks' for more information
- 1. Mark
- -Marks start of a block
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 2. MarkVertical1
- -Marks the left end of a vertical block
- -Cursorposition of the left end (0..length of the line)
- -0 if possible, else 10
- 3. MarkVertical2
- -Marks the right end of a vertical block
- -Cursorposition of the right end (0..length of the line)
- -0 if possible, else 10
- 4. MarkAll
- -Marks all lines (see same menu for details)
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 5. Cut
- -See menu 'Cut'
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 6. Copy
- -See menu 'Copy'
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 7. Delete
- -Deletes all lines of a marked block
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 8. Paste
- -See menu 'Paste Block'
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 9. PasteVertical
- -See menu 'Paste vertical Block'
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 10. BlockRight
- -Moves a marked block one position to the right
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 11. BlockLeft
- -Moves a marked block one position to the left
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 12. UnmarkBlock
- -Unmarks a block
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 13. InsertBlock
- -Opens a filerequester, to load a saved block
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 14. PrintBlock
- -Sends a marked block to the printer
- -No parameters
- -0 if successful, else 10
- 15. SaveBlock
- -Opens a filerequester, to save a block
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 16. Foldmarked
- -Folds a marked block
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 17. Fold
- -Folds all possible parts of a text (seem menu)
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 18. Unfold
- -Unfolds all folded text
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 19. FoldNext
- -Folds next possible part of a text (see menu)
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 20. UnfoldNext
- -Unfolds next folding of a text (see menu)
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 21. SetFoldOn
- -Sets the keyword for the beginning of a folding
- -The neu keyword
- -Nothing
- 22. SetFoldOff
- -Sets the keyword for the end of a folding
- -Neu keyword
- -Nothing
- *************
- *** Moves ***
- *************
- 1. PreviousPage
- -Goes to the previous page
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 2. NextPage
- -Goes to the next page
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 3. BeginOfFile
- -Goes to the very first character of a text
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 4. EndOfFile
- -Goes to the end of the text
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 5. BeginOfLine
- -Goes to the very first character of a line
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 6. EndOfLine
- -Goes to the right end of a line
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 7. GotoLine
- -Goes to a line
- -Number of the line
- -0 if successful, else 10
- 8. GotoColumn Remark: If the line is shorter the the column
- -Goes to a column you want to place the cursor at, spaces will be
- -Number of the column inserted at the end of the line
- -0 if successful, else 10
- 9. NextWord
- -Goes to the next word
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 10. PreviousWord
- -Goes to the previous word
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 11. Cursor
- -Moves the cursor up/down/left/right
- -UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT (use capital letters)
- -Nothing
- 12. Line
- -Moves cursor the specified number of lines up/down
- -Number of lines (e.g. 23, -45, +6)
- -10, if the cursor reaches the beginning/end of the text, else 0
- 13. Column
- -Moves cursor the specified number of characters to the lft/right
- -Number of characters (e.g. 23, -45, +6)
- -10, if the cursor reaches the beginning/end of the line, else 0
- 14. GotoByte
- -Jumps to the specified byte (= character). The very first byte
- is no.=0.
- If the specified byte is beyond the end of the text, the TKEd jumps
- to the very last byte in the text.
- (Remember: The not visible 'Return'-character at the end of each
- line is also one byte)
- -Number of the byte ( >=0 )
- -0 if ok, else 10
- **************
- *** Delete ***
- **************
- 1. DeleteWord
- -Deletes the word under the cursor
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 2. DeleteLine
- -Deletes the current line
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 3. DeleteToEOL
- -Deletes the current line from the position of the cursor to the end
- of the line
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- **************
- *** Errors ***
- **************
- 1. FirstError
- -Displays the first error of an errorfile
- -If parameter = PROMPT : Shows a requester with the errormessage
- -Errormessage (if exist), else 10
- 2. NextError
- -Displays the next error of an errorfile
- -If parameter = PROMPT : Shows a requester with the errormessage
- -Errormessage (if exist), else 10
- ************
- *** Keys ***
- ************
- 1. FunctionKey
- -Executes one of the user-/ARexx-menus
- -Number 0 to 19 (F1=0 ... F10=9, Shift-F1=10 ... Shift-F10 = 19)
- -Nothing
- 2. MakeReturn
- -Same as pressing the 'return'-key
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 3. del
- -Same as pressing the 'Del'-key
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 4. backspace
- -Same as pressing the '<-' -key
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- ***************
- *** Buffers ***
- ***************
- 1. GotoBuffer
- -Shows the text in the specified buffer
- -Number of the buffer (0 to 9)
- -0 if any text is loaded, 5 if no text is loaded, 10 if error
- 2. GetBufferNr
- -Returns the number of the current buffer
- -No parameters
- -Number of the buffer
- 3. FindBuffer
- -Searches a buffer and goes to it (if found)
- -Name of the buffer (not case sensitive); if no name is specified,
- TKEd switches to the next free buffer (if exist any)
- -Number of the buffer (0..9) if found; 10 if not found
- ***********************
- *** Get information ***
- ***********************
- 1. GetLineNr
- -Returns the number of the current line
- -No parameters
- -Number of the line
- 2. GetColumnNr
- -Returns the number of the current column
- -No parameters
- -Number of the column
- 3. GetChar
- -Returns the character at the cursor-position
- -No parameters
- -1 character
- 4. IsChar
- -Returns whether the cursor stands on a character or not
- -No parameters
- -0 if character (a..z, A..Z), else 10
- 5. GetLine
- -Returns the text of the current line
- -No parameters
- -Text of the line
- 6. GetLineLen
- -Returns the length of the current line
- -No parameters
- Length of the line
- 7. LastLine
- -Returns the linenumber of the very last line of a text
- -No parameters
- -Number of the last line
- 8. GetFileName
- -Returns the name of the loaded text (without path)
- -No parameters
- -Name of the text
- 9. GetPathName
- -Returns the path to the loaded text (without name)
- -No parameters
- -Path of the text
- 10. GetFullPathName
- -Returns path and name of the loaded text
- -No parameters
- -Full pathname of the text
- 11. FirstMarkedLine
- -Returns the number of the first marked line
- -No parameters
- -Number of the first marked line or -1 if nothing is marked
- 12. Language
- -Returns the language used in TKEd
- -No parameters
- -'GERMAN' if german language is used and 'ENGLISH' if english language
- is used
- *********************
- *** Write to text ***
- *********************
- 1. WriteChar
- -Writes down one character
- -1 character
- -0 if successful, else 10
- 2. WriteString
- -Writes down a string
- -String (up to 255 characters long)
- -0 if successful, else 10
- *******************************
- *** Interaction to the user ***
- *******************************
- 1. Request1
- -Opens a requester to show a text to the user
- -Text of the requester. If the keyword 'TKED' is in this text,
- the requester will appear in the window of TKEd.
- If not, the requester will appear in the the activ window.
- -Nothing
- 2. Request2
- -Opens a requester with two gadgets to show a text to the user
- -Text of the requester. If the keyword 'TKED' is in this text,
- the requester will appear in the window of TKEd.
- If not, the requester will appear in the activ window.
- -0 after clcking 'OK', 10 after clicking 'Cancel
- 3. GetNumber
- -Opens a requester to enter a number
- -Text at the top of the requester
- -Number or 0 if the requester was canceled
- 4. GetString
- -Opens a requester to enter a test. (up to 255 characters)
- -Text at the top of the requester|Default Text
- e.g. Enter a text|Tom Kroener
- -Text
- 5. Beep
- -Makes a 'beep' to signal the user
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 6. DisplayBeep
- -Makes a 'Displaybeep' to signal the user
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 7. MakeTitle
- -Display a text (for a short time) in the titlebar of TKEd
- -Text to display
- -Nothing
- ************
- *** Misc ***
- ************
- 1. JoinLines
- -Joins the current line with the previous line
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 2. CloneLine
- -Makes a dublicate of the current line
- -No paramters
- -Nothing
- 3. SwapChars
- -Swaps to characters
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 4. SwapCase
- -See same menu
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 5. UpperCase
- -Changes the character under the cursor from lowercase to uppercase
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 6. LowerCase
- -Changes the character under the cursor from uppercase to lowercase
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 7. EnterAscii
- -Writes down the ASCII-character belonging to the number
- -ASCII-number of the character (0 < number < 256)
- -0 if successful, else 10
- 8. TKEdtoFront
- -Pushes the screen of TKEd to the front
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 9. TKEdtoBack
- -Pushes the screen of TKEd to the back
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 10. WBtoFront
- -Pushes the workbenchscreen to the front
- -No parameters
- -0 if possible, else 10
- 11. ReName
- -Renames the text
- -New name for the text
- -Nothing
- 12. Delay
- -Waits for the specified time
- -Time to wait in 1/50 seconds (e.g.'Delay 50' will wait for one second)
- -Nothing
- 13. Sleep
- -Makes TKEd 'sleeping' (See menu 'Sleep'). The ARREX-program waits as
- long as TKEd is sleeping; this is an easy way to make one AREXX-
- program to wait for another: The second AREXX-program only needs to
- send any AREXX-command to TKEd to 'wake up' TKEd and the first
- program will continue.
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- 14. StripAnsi
- -Remove all ANSI-codes from the current cursor position to the
- end of the text
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- Using AREXX, you can realise functions you miss: See the programs in
- the directory 'TKEd:REXX' to have examples how to do this.
- If you have installed AREXX and the command has the name 'rexx:makenumber',
- you can start this program from the 'ARexx'-menus using the
- command 'makenumber'.
- **************************************************************************
- * Other informations *
- **************************************************************************
- a) TKEd is reentrant and the pure-bit is set.
- So it's easy to make TKEd resident.
- b) TKEd can load and decrunch texts packed with the powerpacker.
- TKEd decrunches the text to the ram disk ( 'ram:' ) and loads it.
- Be sure to have the ram.device in your 'devs:' directory and the
- ram.handler in your 'l:' directory.
- If you have not enough memory to do this, first decrunch
- the text with the PowerPacker (See Fish 253 for the PD-version of
- the PowerPacker) and then load the decrunched text.
- c) Most of the tests of my compiler for NIL-pointers, wrong types, ranges
- and so on are still part of TKEd.
- This reduces the speed of TKEd, but often prevents to see the Guru.
- If TKEd crashes, a message will appear:
- If this happens, I would be happy if you would send me a letter with
- this message and the function of TKEd which you have called just before
- error .
- If you are a registered user I will send you a disk with the newest
- version of TKEd; if not, I hope that you find the next published version
- of TKEd (having less errors) good enough to send me the share.
- d) If you miss a feature, write to me (you need not to be a registered
- user to do this).
- I will try to add the mostly asked features to TKEd.
- e) Nobody is perfect. If I have written 'press right button' and
- nothing happens, keep cool an try the right one.
- I often say 'right' when I mean 'left'.
- f) If you want a TKEd using french, spanish or another language:
- Send me a letter (or better a disk) with the correct translations
- of the texts in 'TKEd:Data' for your language.
- With this data, I will add a menu for your language to the
- 'Prefs'-menu!
- **************************************************************************
- If you have criticism, suggestions, errortools, good AREXX-scripts,
- trouble with TKEd, error reports, gifts or something else
- write to
- Tom Kroener
- Richard Wagner Str. 40
- D-6602 SB-Dudweiler
- --- Tom