Deutsche Edition 1
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Text File
2,067 lines
/ /|
+-----------------------+ |
| Prg.name : TKEd V1.11 | |
| Date : 02.11.1992 | +---------------------------+
| |/ /|
+-----------------------+---------------------------+ |
| ---- Copyright Tom Kroener | |
| /(c)| Richard Wagner Str. 40 | |
| / TKs| D-6602 Saarbruecken-Dudweiler | |
| / 1991| GERMANY | |
| -------- +---------+ | |
| | e-mail :| | |-----------------+
| +-----------+ +-----------+ | | /|
| | kroener@cs.uni-sb.de (internet) | | | / |
| | thkro@stud.uni-sb.de (internet) | | | / +
| | T_KROENER@FORUM.ZER (Zerberus) | | + / /|
| +----------------------------------+ |/ / / |
+---------------------------------------------------+-------------+ / |
| TKEd is NOT public-domain. | / |
| It may not be used in commercial products without my permission |/ |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |
| TKEd is SHAREWARE. You may copy TKEd and give it to other people| |
| as long as all files of the directory 'TKEd' are included and | |
| no changes were made. | |
| This version of TKEd allows you to load texts up to a length of | |
| 9999 Bytes. | |
| This should be enough to test TKEd. | |
| You can test TKEd for two or three weeks, but if you want to | |
| use TKEd after this time, you have to send me the shareware | |
| contribution ($25 (U.S.) or 30 DM) | +
| If you do so , you will become a registered user and you will | /|
| get the latest update of TKEd (size of texts only limited | / |
| by memory). | / +
| ( If you send me an check, please use DM (Deutsche Mark)!! | / /
| |/ /
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ /
| Registered user can get the newest version of TKEd by sending me| /
| $3 (U.S.) or 5 DM. |/
See the file 'Changes' for the changes to earlier versions of TKEd !
In this documenttext, all of the menus are described in the order of
their appearence.
So it's easy to find the description of the new menus.
First I want to thank Nico Francois for his great 'reqtools.library'.
( 'reqtools.library' is © Nico Francois)
Many thanks also to Michael Thiel and Stefan Winterstein for testing TKEd
and discussing errors and features of TKEd, to Jason Trimble for testing
and his suggestions and to Christoph Kirsch for his Lattice-errortool and
his AREXX-scripts and Jörg Tögel and Thomas Schössow for their error-tools!
* Installation: *
To test TKEd without full installation start the program
'TKEd_QuickInstall' and than start TKEd.
To install TKEd on a different disk or on a harddisk, start the program
'TKEd_Install' to do this.
If the files 'libs:reqtools.library' and 'libs:powerpacker.library' don't
If the files 'libs:reqtools.library' and 'libs:powerpacker.library' don't
exist, TKEd_Install will copy them to your systems 'libs:'-directory.
After that, TKEd_Install opens a filerequester to choose the directory
where you want to install TKEd.
Clicking 'OK!' will start copying all the files to the selected
Clicking 'Forget it' will quit the program.
After that, start the program 'TKEd_Assign' from the directory where
you have installed TKEd.
This program assigns the logical directory 'TKEd:' to the current
directory of TKEd.
You can also add the line 'assign TKEd: dh0:Utilities/TKEd'
to the file 's:startup-sequence' to make this assign everytime you
boot your Amiga.
Instead of dh0:Utilities/TKEd, you have to write your path to the
directory 'TKEd'
After that, you can copy TKEd wherever you want.
For users with only one disk-drive:
Because TKEd often read from the directory 'TKEd:' the disk where this
directory is assigned to must often be inserted.
If you don't want to do this, make a directory 'ram:TKEd' and copy
the directories 'TKEd:Macros' and 'TKEd:Data' (including the files
in these directories) to 'ram:TKEd'.
Then go to CLI/Shell and start the command 'assign TKEd: ram:TKEd', and
TKEd will look there for the data-files. ATTENTION: If you change the
preferences and save the preferences to disk, the data is written to
'ram:TKEd/TKEd.cfg', so be shure to save this file (TKEd.cfg) to disk
before you switch off your amiga or you will loose the changes.
* Possible Errors *
TKEd won't start correctly:
a) The errormessage
'ERROR: Directory 'TKEd:Data/' not found!'
TKEd needs the directory 'TKEd:Data', where the 4 files 'Menu.d',
'Menu.e', 'Requests.d' and 'Requests.e' MUST exist.(If one or more
of this files miss, TKEd won't work correctly)
b) The message 'ERROR: 'TKEd:' not assigned'
The logical directory 'TKEd:' must exist.
Create that directory
from CLI/Shell:
Enter 'assign TKEd: path', where path is the path to
your TKEd-directory, e.g. 'assign TKEd: sys:Utilities/TKEd'
from Workbench:
Start the program 'TKEd_Assign' from the TKEd main directory
c) The message
'ERROR: Stack < 10000'
TKEd needs a stack of 10000 to work correctly. Using less stack,
TKEd will break sometimes after some minutes.
If you run TKEd from the CLI or Shell, enter the command
'stack 10000' before starting TKEd.
If you use your own icon for TKEd (= not the one I have created)
you have to set this stack yourself: Select the icon with the
mouse, select the workbench-menu 'Info' and write the value of
10000 into the field 'Stack'.
Push the 'Return'-key and save this setting.
d) An Alert shows the message 'missing reqtools.library V38'
TKEd doesn't find the reqtools.library, or it find an old version
of it.
To install the version TKEd needs, use the tool 'Install_TKEd'
to copy the correct version of the reqtools.library to your 'libs:'
If you want to do this 'by hand', first remove all prgramms using the
reqtools.library, then copy the reqtools.library from the directory
'TKEd:libs' to your 'libs:' directory and execute the
command 'avail FLUSH'
e) The menus are empty or not correct
The files 'TKEd:Data/Menu.d' or 'TKEd:Data/Menu.e' don't exist or
are from other versions of TKEd.
If possible install TKEd with the installationprogramm, not by hand!
Use the tool 'Convert' to convert elder configurationfiles.
f) The requesters are empty or not correct
The files 'TKEd:Data/Requests.d' or 'TKEd:Data/Requests.e' don't exist or
are from other versions of TKEd.
If possible install TKEd with the installationprogramm, not by hand!
If you prefer to install TKEd 'by hand', you must create a directory 'TKEd'
and copy all the files and directories into it.
After that, you must copy the 'reqtools.library' and the
'powerpacker.library' to the 'libs:' directory.
The rest (the assigns) : see above !
| Important Important Important Important Important Important Important |
| |
| 1. TKEd needs a stack of 10000 to work correctly. Using less stack, |
| TKEd will break sometimes after some minutes. |
| If you run TKEd from the CLI or Shell, enter the command |
| 'stack 10000' before starting TKEd. |
| If you use your own icon for TKEd (= not the one I have created) |
| you have to set this stack yourself: Select the icon with the |
| mouse, select the workbench-menu 'Info' and write the value of |
| 10000 into the field 'Stack'. |
| Push the 'Return'-key and save this setting. |
| |
| 2. Don't use configuration files ('TKEd.cfg') of other versions of |
| TKEd, because I have changed some information in it. |
| The configuration files of version V1.01 and newer will be |
| compatible to future versions. (or if not I will include |
| a tool to convert this file) |
| |
| 3. If the menus or requesters are empty, you must install TKEd with |
| the program 'Install_TKEd' or you must copy 'by hand' the |
| directory 'TKEd/Data' to the directory 'TKEd:'. The files in |
| this directory have the data for the menus. |
| |
| Important Important Important Important Important Important Important |
* The Keys and the Mouse *
Some of the menus of TKEd have shortcuts. This means, that you can
also select a menu using the corresponding shortcut.
The standard (AmigaDos) way to call shortcuts is to hold down
the right Amiga button and then press the specified button.
(e.g Amiga+l will show the TKEd filerequester)
Some other shortcuts (e.g in the menu 'Misc') use the 'Ctrl' button
instead of the right Amiga button.
(e.g. Ctrl+l deletes one line ).
To move cursor up or down, use the cursor up/down keys in combination with
the alt-, shift- or the ctrl- key.
Cursor up/down : Moves cursor one line up/down
Alt + cursor up/down : Moves cursor 4 lines up/down
Shift + cursor up/down : Moves cursor one page up/down
Ctrl + cursor up/down : Moves cursor to the beginning/end of a text
Cursor left/right : Moves cursor one character to the left/right
Alt + cursor left/right : Moves cursor one word to the left/right
Shift + cursor left/right : Moves cursor to the left/right end of the window
Ctrl + cursor left/right : Moves cursor to the left/right end of a line
For moving through the text, you can also use some of the keys of the numeric
keypad in combination with the Shift (or Alt) key.
Alt+Home (Key 7) goes to the beginning of the text.
Alt+End (Key 1) goes to the end of the text.
Alt+Pg Up (Key 9) goes one page up.
Alt+Pg Dn (Key 3) goes one page down.
The Help key shows some information about TKEd.
The textrequester can also be handled by key-shortcuts: Press the
underscored key and the corresponding gadget will be choosen.
To handle the stringrequester via shortcuts, you have to press first
the right 'Amiga'-key and while holding it down press the underscored
key. (with the 'Amiga'-key, the key will be interpreted as an input to
the text in the stringrequester.
You can also use the following shortcuts, if they are not defined
like above via the underscores:
'Y', 'Left amiga +V' or 'Return'-key : OK
'N' 'Left amiga +B' 'R' or 'Esc'-key : Cancel
The information-requesters (those with one gadget to click on) can easily be
closed using e.g. the 'Esc'-key
You can place the cursor pressing the left mousebutton at the character
you want.
If the cursor position would be right of the end of the line, it will be
placed at the end of the line.
If you want to scroll the text up or down, move the mouse to the first or
to the last two lines of the visible part of the text, hold down the
left mousebutton and press any key or click the right mousebutton.
The mouse is also used to mark parts of the text (see also the Menu
'Mark Block')
* Loading a text *
There are 4 ways to load a text:
1. Start TKEd and use the menu 'Load'
2. Start TKEd from the CLI (or Shell) with the (path-) names of the texts:
(e.g. 'TKEd s:startup-sequence s:hd-startup' will start TKEd and load
the texts 's:startup-sequence' and 's:hd-startup')
3. Hold down the 'Shift' key, select the icons of the texts, select the
icon of TKEd and use the (workbench-) menu 'Open'.
TKEd will start and load all selected texts.
4. Select the icon of the text, start the (workbench-) menu 'Info',
and write the path of TKEd (e.g 'sys:Utilities') into the field
'Default Tool' .
After saving this, you can start TKEd by clicking the icon of
the text and TKEd will load the text.
5. If you use OS2.04 (or newer), the small window of an 'iconified'
TKEd (see menu 'Iconify') is an appWindow.
So you can load a text by dragging the icon of a text on this small
* The Menus *
All menus and texts in the requesters are english (default). If you want
german menus and requesters, goto the prefs menu and choose the menu
ATTENTION: The english and german texts of the menus and the requesters
are in the directory 'TKEd:Data'.
You shouldn't change this texts, because TKEd doesn't check
the correct length of each text, and a line longer than expected
can make some trouble while working with TKEd.
If you want a TKEd using french, spanish or another language:
Send me a letter (or better a disk) with the correct translations
of the texts in 'TKEd:Data' for your language.
With this data, I will add a menu for your language to the
* Project ****************************************************************
Delete all the text.
Opens a filerequester to choose the file to load.
If the text was packed with the PowerPacker, TKEd needs more memory to
decrunch it. If you have not enough memory to do this, first decrunch
the text with the PowerPacker (See Fish 253 for the PD-version of
the PowerPacker) and then load the decrunched text.
You can also select a file using the arrow-keys (up/down: one line
up/down; shift+ up/down: one page up/down)
Saves the text.
If TKEd finds not enough memory to save the text in the 'normal' mode,
it saves the text in a slower mode that doesn't need any additional
-Save As-
Opens a filerequester to choose the path and the filename for saving
the text.
Sends the text to the printer.
-Insert File-
Opens a filerequester to choose the file to be inserted in the
The file will be inserted between the current line and the previous
line .
Shows some information about the author and the version of TKEd.
The name of the current AREXX-port (for the first TKEd 'TKEd.1',
for the second 'TKEd.2'....) is also showed.
This is the name you have to use in an AREXX-program to address the
AREXX-port of TKEd. (e.g. "address 'TKEd.1'")
This 'iconifies' TKEd, what means that TKEd closes its screen and its
window and opens a very small window on the workbench screen.
So it needs 50.000 Byte less chipmemory.
If you want to change the position of the icon, move it (like other
windows) with your mouse and save the position with the menu 'Prefs Save'.
You can also force this option with the parameter '-i' from CLI or Shell.
Use the parameter '-i' as the last parameter. (after the filenames
to load).
Click with the left mousebutton on the closing gagdet or with the
right mousebutton anywhere on the small window to get the
'normal' size of TKEd.
This removes the screen and the window of TKEd, but keeps TKEd itself
( and all the texts) in memory.
You can invoke TKEd by pessing the keys 'Ctrl' 'Shift' 'Alt' 'Space'
TKEd also awakes when it receives any AREXX-command or when the icon
of a text was moved on the application window (only OS 2.04 or newer)
of TKEd.
You can force this option with the parameter '-s' from CLI or Shell.
-SaveAll & Quit-
Saves all modified buffers and quit TKEd.
-Save & Quit-
Saves the text and quit TKEd.
Quit TKEd.
* Prefs ******************************************************************
ATTENTION: Preferences made under Kickstart 1.2 or 1.3 can be used under
newer versions (OS 2.04 or newer) without any problems.
Preferences made under Kickstart 2.04 or newer can cause some
misterious errors after switching back to Kickstart 1.3 (when
I choose the screen-mode 'NTSC-Hires' under Kickstart 2.04
the proportionalgadget of the filerequester don't move under
kickstart 1.3 when dragging it with the mouse, but after
re-saving the preferences and re-loading them everything
was alright)
If you have changed the preferences, you can load the preferences which
you have saved earlier.
If you start TKEd, it does this automaticly.
It looks in the current directory for a file named 'TKEd.cfg', and
if nothing is found, it looks for it in the directory 'TKEd:'.
If it has found nothing, TKEd will start with a default
Opens a filerequester to save your preferences.
Default filename is 'TKEd:TKEd.cfg'
The information saved is:
-The colors
-The number of spaces for each tab
-If auto indent is on or off
-The information of the 'Backup'- submenus
-All the data of the User - menus (commands, texts, etc)
-All the data of the ARexx - menus
-The shortcuts of the 'Amiga'- menus.
-The information of the 'Language', 'Screen' and 'Fonts' menus
Never edit a configurationfile of TKEd or the files in the directory
'TKEd:Data' 'by hand' using an ASCII- or HEX-editor.
TKEd espects the format it had saved earlier and doesn't check
all values in the file.
Sets the preferences to the default values and clears all User - menus
and all ARexx - menus.
- English
English menus and english requesters
- Deutsch
German menus and german requesters
If you use Kickstart 1.2 or 1.3:
Opens a requester with 5 options:
- x-Position-
Sets the horizontal position of the screen (visible only with OS >= 2.0)
You can also position the screen (like other screens) with the mouse
and save the position with the menu 'Prefs Save'
- y-Position-
Sets the vertical position of the screen
You can also position the screen (like ohter screens) with the mouse
and save the position with the menu 'Prefs Save'
- Height-
Sets the width of the screen. TKEd computes a with corresponding
to the width of the current font
- Width-
Sets the hight of the screen. TKEd computes a hight corresponding
to the hight of the current font
- Interlace-
Switches interlace on/off
If you use OS 2.04 or newer:
-Opens a 'ScreenmodeRequester' to show all the available screenmodes.
You can also enter the size and the hieght of the screen and wether
it shall be an autoscroll-screen or not.
Here you can choose the size of the font
IMPORTANT: If you want to use the fonts, first start the program
'Install_Font' to copy the TKEd-fonts to your 'fonts:'
Opens a color requester to change the colors of TKEd.
-Tab Size-
How many spaces are printed for one tab ( TKEd handles no tabs).
-Folds Start
Opens a requester to enter the text which TKEd uses to recognize
the start of a folding (max. 20 characters)
-Folds End
Opens a requester to enter the text which TKEd uses to recognize
the end of a folding (max. 20 characters)
Gives you the possibility to define your own shortcuts for the
menus using the standard AmigaDos shortcuts (not the menus with
the Ctrl-key-shortcuts).
Shows a textrequester with a string containing the characters
of the shortcuts of the menus (in the order of their appearance).
To change a shortcut, delete the character you want to change
and replace it by the one you like.
Two submenus
-Line length-
Opens a requester to adjust the max. length of a line.
If (while writing) the max. length is reached, the cursor will
automaticly continue writting in the next line.
The value 255 (=max. Linelength) disables this function
-Wordwrap ON-
If this menu is marked and the max. linelength is < 255 (see above)
the last word of the current line will also be moved to the next
line after reaching the adjusted linelength.
-Auto Indent-
If auto indent is off, each line (after pressing 'RETURN') starts
at column 1.
If auto indent is on, each line starts under the first character
of the previous line, which is not a space.
-Set scriptflag-
IF scriptflag is on, the script-flag ('s') will be set when saving
a text.
If you have Kickstart > 1.2 you can start a script without
using 'execute' if this flag is set.
-Open AppWindow-
If htis menu is on, TKEd opens an 'Application-Window' on the Workbench-
screen. When you put with the mouse the icon of a text on this window,
TKEd loads this text into the next free textbuffer
Some functions to specify the way TKEd makes backups:
-Safe Saves-
IF 'Safe Saves' is on, TKEd will first rename an existing file before
overwriting it.
After succesful saving, TKEd will remove the renamed file.
ATTENTION: This option switches off 'Autobackup' and 'VersionBackup'!
If 'AutoBackup' is on, TKEd makes a backup of your text (with the ending
'.bak') while saving a text
ATTENTION: This option switches off 'Safe Saves' and 'VersionBackup'!
If 'VersionBackup' is on, TKEd makes different versions of backups
of your text (with the ending '.bakX') while saving a text.
X stands for a digit from 0 to 30000.
Example:If you have a text named 'Letter' and you save it three times,
the backups 'Letter.bak0', 'Letter.bak1' and 'Letter.bak2'
will be created.
The newest version of the text will still have the name 'Letter'.
The eldest version will have the name 'Letter.bak0'
ATTENTION: This option switches off 'Autobackup' and 'Safe Saves'!
-Remember with request-
If this is on, TKEd remembers you after the time entered in the menu
'Enter time' to save the current text (if modified). If this is not
on, TKEd saves the text after this time without asking.
-Enter time...-
Allows you to enter the time after which TKEd remembers you to save the
text or save the text without requesting.
-Set Extension-
Opens a requester to enter the extension for the backups.
(Default: '.bak')
-Show Files-
Opens a requester to enter the name of files you want to see
in the filerquester.
Accepts wildcards like '#' and '#?'. You can also use '~' as logical
Default: ~(#?.bak#?) ==> show all files without '.bak' in the name.
-Search Prefs-
To submenus for the search/replace function
-Ignore Case-
Ignore the case of a character (e = E)
You can use '?' in the searchstring as a wildcard.
Example: If you search the string 'c?me' you will find all words like
'come', 'came' 'cyme' ...
Wildcards only works if 'Ignore Case' is switched on.
* Search *****************************************************************
Shows a textrequester to enter the text to search for.
Goes to the next occurrence of the text to search for.
Goes to the previous occurrence of the text to search for.
Shows a textrequester to enter the text to search for,
than another textrequester to enter the text which shall
replace the searched text.
After that, for each occurrence of the search text, a requester
will ask you whether you want to replace the text, whether you
don't want to replace it or whether you want to stop the
-Replace next-
Goes to the next occurrence of the searched text and asks to replace it.
-Replace previous-
Goes to the previous occurrence of the searched text and asks to
replace it.
ATTENTION: 'Replace All' will replace all occurences forward (to the
end of the file). Replace all backward is not possible
-Count Occurences-
Like the menu 'Find', but counts all the occurences in the text.
-Matching Bracket-
If the cursor is positioned over a bracket, this function will locate
the bracket belonging to this bracket (if there is any).
Handles (), [] and {}.
-Search current char-
Reads the current character and calls the search-function with this
character as argument.
Very usefull to search/replace characters which an Amiga cannot
display, e.g. in texts ported from another type of computer.
-Goto Mark 0-
-Goto Mark 9-
If you have marked a line (see New Mark) TKEd will move to the
marked line.
Very nice if you use the shortcuts 0,1,...8,9.
-New Mark-
Marks the current line with the number you enter in the requester.
You can set up to 10 different marks by using the numbers 0..9.
Using a number twice will overwrite the first mark.
-Clear Mark-
Clears the mark you select.
* Block ******************************************************************
Remark: If you want copy very large blocks, it's better to use 'Save Block'
and 'Insert Block' instead of 'Copy' and 'Paste', because
'Copy' and 'Paste' needs much more time (and memory) than
'Save Block' and 'Insert Block'.
Marking with the mouse:
There are some additional functions available which cannot be used
via menus:
Clicking at a char 2-times: Mark word
Clicking at a char 3-times: Mark line
Clicking at a char 4-times: If the cursor is on a bracket, mark the
text from the bracket to the corresponding
You can also mark by pressing the left mousebutton on the first character
you want to mark, the move the mouse (while pressing the button) down to
the line and to the last character you want to mark (TKEd will scroll
the text if the last visible line is reached) and than release the
mousebutton. The marked region will be displayed inverse!
-Mark Block-
Marks the beginning of a block.
Move the cursor up/down to mark the end of the region.
(Only movements without 'Alt'- or 'Shift'-key)
If you don't want to mark all the lines while moving up/down
press the right 'Alt' key ; these lines will not be marked
You can also move the cursor to the right to change the left beginning
of a marked line.
-Mark vertical Block-
ATTENTION: You need this menu only for vertical block with a width
of 1 (one character).
All other vertical markings can be made without using
this menu!
To specify the width of the vertical block, move the mouse from left
to right will holding down the left mousebutton.
Move the cursor up/down to mark the end of the region.
You also can mark every line you want (e.g. line 2, 3, 16, 29...) and
in each line a different part of it (e.g. line 2 : character 1 to 7,
line 5 : character 17 to 97
line 100: charcater 102 to 104...)
if you place the mouse at a different line and mark the line
with it (see above).
This will not remove the marks you have done earlier.
After 'Copy' or 'Cut', the lines are all in an internal block.
-Mark all-
Marks all lines of a text; Current cursor-position marks the left
end of the block!
-Cut Block-
Cuts all the marked charcters from the text into an internal buffer.
-Copy Block-
Copies all the marked characters into an internal buffer.
-Delete Block-
Deletes all lines of a marked block.
Could be also realized using 'Cut Block' but needs no extra memory.
ATTENTION: This function only deletes one marked block. If you have
marked more parts of a text, this function will do nothing!
-Paste Block-
Inserts a block from the internal buffer to the text.
Each line of the internal buffer will have a new line in the text.
-Paste vertical Block-
Inserts a block from the internal buffer into the lines of the text.
( no new lines will be created)
Each line of the internal buffer will be inserted in an existing line
from the current position of the cursor.
If the line would be too long, a part of the line from the internal
buffer will be lost.
If 'Paste vertical Blocks' reaches the end of the text, it stops.
Moves each line of a marked block one column to the right.
Moves each line of a marked block one column to the left.
Lines beginning at column 1 will not be moved.
-Unmark Block-
Unmarks a marked block.
About foldings: With TKEd you ahve the possibility to fold parts of a
=============== text.
The folded parts of a text are still in memory, but not
visible on the screen.
The last line just before such a folding will be displayed
in a different colour.
This function makes it much easier to work with large
text or programs.
For the start and the end of a folded block exist two
keywords (see menu 'Prefs'), which can be any kind of
text (up to 20 charcters).
The default keywords are '(*On*)' and '(*Off*)', so my
compile handle it like commends.
All text between this two line (including this lines)
will be invisible after selecting the menu 'Fold text'.
If you have folded large blocks, TKEd will be a little
bit slower than normaly, but I think its not to much.
Important: Functions like 'Search','Replace', 'Cut Blocks' work
not correctly with folded blocks, so unfold the parts
of a text before you use this functions.
All this functions only see the text that you see!
-Fold marked text-
Inserts the keywords in the first and the last marked line and calls
the function 'Fold text'.
-Fold next-
Folds the next possible part of a text (if exist)
-Unfold next-
Unfolds the next folded part of a text (if exist)
-Fold text-
Folds all possible parts of a text.
-Unfold text-
Unfold all folded parts of a text.
Opens a filerequester to load a saved block.
Default name: 't:blk'
Sends the internal buffer (see 'Copy' and 'Cut') to the printer.
Shows a filerequester to choose the path and the filename for saving
the internal block. (See also 'Copy' and 'Cut' ).
Default name: 't:blk'
* User *******************************************************************
-F1 - F10-
If you don't want to use the mouse, pressing the keys F1 - F10,
will also execute the command.
-Select command-
Opens a filerequester to select the program to execute.
A path to a program can be saved with the preferences.
-Set Menu:- (1-10)
Shows a textrequester which allows you to enter the command that will
be executed if you select the menu or the function key that belongs
to the menu.
If the command contains [] , TKEd will show a requester ( while
excuting the command) and you can enter a text, which will replace
the []. If the [] are in a text, be sure that one blank is before
and (if text follows) one blank is after the [].
Examples : copy [] to ram:
execute []
If the command contains {}, TKEd will replace the {} by the name of the
currently loaded file. (be sure to save your text if you have modified
About the blanks before or after the {} : see above.
Examples : copy {} to ram:
lc -l {}
NEW: If you add a @ followed be a 2-digit number (e.g. {}@12), the last
12 characters of the name of your text will be deleted.
Name of the text: command: resulting name:
Hello.c {}@02 --> Hello (.c deleted)
Scroll.asm {}@04 --> Scroll (.asm deleted)
Hello.world {}@07 --> Hell (o.world deleted)
There must be no blanks in this sequence, and the number must
have 2 digits (no more, no less), otherwise the name of the text
will not be modified.
This option is very usefull for programmers who want to start
a programm after compiling it without entering a new filename or
leaving TKEd.
If the command contains (), TKEd will open a filerequester to make it
easy to enter the path to a file.
Example : muchmore ()
Combinations of {}, () and [] are possible; you can also use each kind
of bracket several times.
Examples : copy {} to []
rename () ()
lc [] {}
The command text (after inserting the parameters for (),[] or {} )
can have a length up to 255 characters.
After the textrequester for the command, another one will appear which
allows you to enter the text which will be shown in the menu.
This text can have a length up to 18 characters.
If you save your preferences, this data will be saved and reloaded
everytime you start TKEd.
If you set a menu, existing data will be overwritten, so you
don't have to clear it first.
To give you the possibility to have a look at the output of an executed
command, TKEd normaly makes a 'Workbenchtofront' before executing a
g.SetDrMd (rp, SHORTSET{g.inversvid});
X, 0);
ve his ok to close
the outputwindow.
If you don't want to see anythink, add the keyword 'noreq' to the
-Clear Menu-
Clears the data of the menu.
* ARexx ******************************************************************
-Shift F1 - Shift F10-
If you don't want to use the mouse, pressing the keys Shift F1 - Shift F10
will also execute the command.
-Select command-
Opens a filerequester to select the AREXX-program to execute.
A path to a program can be saved with the preferences.
-Set Menu:- (1-10)
Shows a textrequester which allows you to enter the name of a
AREXX-program that will be executed if you select the menu or the
function key that belongs to the menu.
If the command contains [] , TKEd will show a requester ( while
excuting the command) and you can enter a text, which will replace
the []. If the [] are in a text, be sure that one blank is before
and (if text follows) one blank is after the [].
Examples : copy [] to ram:
execute []
If the command contains {}, TKEd will replace the {} by the name of the
currently loaded file. (be sure to save your text if you have modified
About the blanks before or after the {} : see above.
Examples : copy {} to ram:
lc -l {}
NEW: If you add a @ followed be a 2-digit number (e.g. {}@12), the last
12 characters of the name of your text will be deleted.
Name of the text: command: resulting name:
Hello.c {}@02 --> Hello (.c deleted)
Scroll.asm {}@04 --> Scroll (.asm deleted)
Hello.world {}@07 --> Hell (o.world deleted)
This function could also be done by the called AREXX-program
as well, but why remove an existing routine (it was made for the
'User'-menus, see section above for details) if it could be
of use for someone ?
If the command contains (), TKEd will open a filerequester to make it
easy to enter the path to a file.
Example : muchmore ()
Combinations of {}, () and [] are possible; you can also use each kind
of bracket several times.
Examples : 4print.rexx {}
rexxformat.rexx []
The command text (after inserting the parameters for (),[] or {} )
can have a length up to 255 characters.
After the textrequester for the command, another one will appear which
allows you to enter the text which will be shown in the menu.
This text can have a length up to 18 characters.
If you save your preferences, this data will be saved and reloaded
everytime you start TKEd.
If you set a menu, existing data will be overwritten, so you
don't have to clear it first.
TKEd searches the AREXX-program first in the current directory, then in
the directory 'REXX:'.
TKEd executes an AREXX-program synchronous (you have to wait until
the program has terminated).
If you add the keyword 'async' to the command-text, the AREXX-program
will be executed asynchronous, so you can work with
TKEd will the AREXX-program is running in the backround.
After the AREXX-program has terminated, a requester will appear displaying
the results of the AREXX-program.
Both results should be 0 (if the program returns no errors)
If you don't want this requester, add the keyword 'noreq' to the
name of the AREXX-program.
-Clear Menu-
Clears the data of the menu.
* Special ****************************************************************
-Start Learning-
If you select this, TKEd will ask you the key to assign the macro to.
You can use all the keys of your keyboard (except shift and alt).
If you use the qualifiers 'shift' or 'alt', you can specify up to
3 different macros for each key (key, key+shift, key+alt).
After this all actions you make (including keys, menus etc.)
will be recorded by TKEd until you select 'Macros -Stop Learning-'.
If you want to include cursor movements which need qualifiers like
'shift', 'alt' or 'Ctrl', you must use the corresponding menus
to realise this movements.
( e.g. use menu 'End of line' instead of 'shift + cursor right').
-Stop Learning-
Stops the recording of your actions.
-Load Macros-
Loads macros you have saved earlier.
TKEd automaticly loads the macros everytime you start it.
-Save Macros-
Saves all macros to the directory 'TKEd:Macros'.
-Clear one Macro-
If you push a key which is assigned to a macro, this macro will
be deleted.
-Clear all Macros-
Clears all the macros.
If you don't want to load macros while starting TKEd,
use 'Save macros' after you have cleared.
-Current line-
Restores the current line if modified.
ATTENTION: TKEd can remember only the lines after a 'Garbage Collection.
Lines modified before a 'Gabage Colleaction; will not be
The maximum lines TKEd can remember is 200: If more lines
are modified, TKEd will automaticly make a
'Garbage Collection'.
A 'Garbage Collection' will also happen if you save a text
or if you change the buffer !.
-All lines-
Restores all modified lines (see above).
-Undelete line-
If you have deleted a line with the function 'Delete line', this will
re-insert the line in the text.
-Undelete Block-
If you have deleted a block via the menu 'Block... Delete', you can
restore this block with this function.
-Mark modified-
Marks all modified lines (up to 200, see 'Undo').
Helpfull before making 'Undo'
-Set current path-
With this function, you can change the current directory from the one you
have started TKEd to any other.
TKEd will make a 'cd' to the choosen directory.
Switch to help-mode of TKEd: For each menu you select a small help-text
will be display. Select this menu again to leave help-mode.
* Misc1 *******************************************************************
-Page Up-
Moves the cursor one page up.
-Page down-
Moves the cursor one page down.
-Begin of file-
Moves the cursor to the very first character position in the file.
-End of file-
Moves the cursor to the last page of the file.
-Begin of line-
Moves the cursor to column 1 of the current line.
-End of line-
Moves the cursor to the right end of the current line.
-Goto line-
Shows a requester which allows you to enter the number of the line
to go to.
-Next Word-
Moves the cursor to the next word.
-Previous Word-
Moves the cursor to the previous word.
* Misc2 *******************************************************************
-Delete Word-
Removes the rest of the word the cursor is standing on.
-Delete line-
Removes the current line.
-Delete to EOL-
Removes the contents of the current line from the
cursor position towards the right end of the line.
Joins the current line with the previous line
-Clone line-
Makes a copy of the current line
-Swap Chars-
Swaps the character on which the cursor stands, and the following one.
-Swap Case-
Changes the character under the cursor from uppercase (lowercase) to
lowercase (uppercase).
* Misc3 *******************************************************************
It is useful for programmers if an editor has the possibility to display
the error-messages of their compilers.
Most of the compilers have their own style to show up errors, and I don't
know all of them.
So I decide to create a (simple) standard for the error-messages, and
TKEd is able to work with it.
If your compiler differs from this standard, you have two possibilities:
a) Write a small tool which converts the error-messages of your compiler
into a form which can be read by TKEd.
Most of the compilers put their messages into an opened console window,
so it's easy to redirect them into a file (my tool 'TKA68KErr' executes
the command 'A68K > ram:tmperr' and modifies the created file
b) If you don't know how to write such a tool, start your compiler,
redirect the output into a file ( like 'compile > ram:text.err')
and send this file and some information about your compiler
( language, version ...) to me.
If possible (and if I have enough time to do that), I will write
the tool
So and now the information about the format TKEd needs:
The tool must create a file named 'ram:TKErr' that contains the information
for TKEd.
For each error, the file must contain three lines of information:
a) The linenumber of the error
b) The column of the error
c) The error-message (maximum length: 144 characters)
All the information must be normal ascii-text.
( You have to save the linenumber as a string, not as an integer !!)
Be sure that there are no empty lines between the three lines
belonging to one error.
An example for a text showing three errors:
Syntax error
) expected
Unexpected end of file
Be sure that your tool works correctly, because TKEd doesn't control
what it reads.
If your tool creates an uncorrect file, the error menus will show
anything but not the errors.
The tools should work like normal dos commands, so that it can
be started using the 'User'-menus (see above).
On this disk, I include 5 errortools:
Name: Compiler: Language: Author:
TKOberonErr Oberon V2.0 Oberon Tom Kroener
V2.0 - V2.14
TKA68KErr A68K V2.61 Assembler Tom Kroener
TKaz5_2err Aztec C 5.2 C Thomas Schössow
LatticeErrToTKEd Lattice C V4.0 C Christoph Kirsch
Dice_To_TKEd_OS1.3 Dice C C Jörg Tögel
Many thanks to Thomas Schössow for programming the Aztec-C errortool
to Christoph Kirsch for the Lattice-C errortool and to Jörg Tögel
for the Dice-C errortool.
The tools are in the directory 'ErrorTools' and should be used
from the usermenus of TKEd.
I don't know if these tools work fine with other versions of these
compilers, but I hope so.
If you use TKOberonErr, the program 'OErr' (a tool belonging to the
Oberon-compiler) should be placed in a directory of a path for
AmigaDos commands (e.g. 'sys:', 'c:' or other added paths).
If you use TKA68KErr, the program 'A68K' .... (see above)
Same procedure for using TKaz5_2err and LatticeErrToTKEd.
(additional documentation from the authors (Thomas Schössow and
Christoph Kirsch) is also included in the directory
a) You must set the compiler option of Aztec C 5.2 to -wq
This option forces the compiler to create the file aztec.err,
which is used by TKaz5_2err the create the errorfile for
(See also 'TKEd:ErrorTools/doc/TKaz5_2err.doc' for
b) Using LatticeErrToTKEd you must start the compiler
with the option 'lc >T:Err -L <filename>'
An example script (Compile_Lattice) to show how to make
this is incuded.
(See also 'TKEd:ErrorTools/doc/LatticeErrToTKEd.doc' for
If someone programs such a tool for any other compiler and it works
fine, I would be happy if he (or she) send it to me.
I will publish it with the next version of TKEd.
-First Error-
Jumps to the first error and displays a requester with the errormessage.
-Next Error-
Jumps to the next error and displays a requester with the errormessage.
-Enter Ascii-
Allows you to enter the ascii value of a character (0-255)
-Free Memory-
Gives you some information about the available memory.
-Remove ANSI-
Removes all ANSI-codes. (codes like e.g.
* Buffer *****************************************************************
-Goto Buffer-
0..9 : Shows the text in buffer 0..9
* AREXX ******************************************************************
Most of the functions of TKEd can be used by an AREXX program.
The AREXX-port of TKEd has the name 'TKEd.1' and can be accessed after
the ARREX-command 'address 'TKEd.1''.
Attention: The Portname is TKEd.1, not TKED.1 (it's a small 'd')
For further details consult your ARREX-manual.
For each TKEd you start, another port with another number as extension
will be opened (e.g if you start TKEd three times, the ports
'TKEd.1', 'TKEd.2' and 'TKEd.3' will exist).
The commands are not case sensitive, therefore 'InsertFile',
'INSERTFILE', 'inSErtfILe'... calls all the same function
of TKEd.
Some commands need special parameters like 'UP', 'DOWN', 'LEFT',
'RIGHT', 'ON', 'OFF', 'FORCE'...
These parameters are no more (!!) case sensitive since TKEd V1.10, therefore
UP, uP Up and up are also accepted!
Normaly, TKEd executes an AREXX-program synchronous (you have to wait
until the program has terminated).
If you add the keyword 'async' to the command-text of the menu , the
AREXX-program will be executed asynchronous, so you can work with
TKEd will the AREXX-program is running in the backround.
If the AREXX-program terminates, a textrequester will show you
the results.
If you add the keyword 'noreq' to the command-text of the menu , this
requester will not appear.
Now the list of the names, functions, parameters and results of the
No. Name
This version of TKEd has 109 different AREXX-commands:
*** Project ***
1. New
-Clears all the text
-No parameter
2: Open
-Loads a text
-1:Name of the text (No parameter: opens a filerequester)
-Name of the text, if successful, else 10
3. Save
-Saves a text
-No parameter
-0 if succesful, else 10
4. SaveAs
-Saves a text with a new name (the loaded text keeps his name)
-1:New name of the text
-New name, if succesful, else 10
5. Print
-Sends the text to the printer
-0 if successful, else 10
6. InsertFile
-Inserts a text
-1:Name of the text
-Name of the inserted text, if successful, else 10
7. SaveAllAndQuit
-Saves all modified buffers and quits TKEd
-No parameter
8. SaveAndQuit
-Saves a text and quits TKEd
-No parameter
-0 if succesful, else 10
9. Quit
-Quit TKEd
-No parameter (FORCE suppresses the Modified requester)
*** Prefs ***
1. Indent
-Switches indent on/off
-ON, to switch on, anything else will switch off
2. AutoBackup
-Switches autobackup on/off
-ON, to switch on, anything else will switch off
3. VersionBackup
-Switches versionbackup on/off
-ON, to switch on, anything else will switch off
4. SetExtension
-Changes the extension of Backups
-String with the extension (up to 10 characters)
*** Search ***
1. Find
-Searches a word in the text (forward)
-1:word to search for (No parameter: opens a textrequester)
-0 if found, else 10
2. FindBack
-Searches a word in the text (backward)
-1:word to search for (No parameter: opens a textrequester)
-0 if found, else 10
3. FindNext
-Searches next occurence of the word
-No parameters
-0 if found, else 10
4. FindPrevious
-Searches previous occurence of the word
-No parameters
-0 if found, else 10
5. FindChange
-Searches for the next occurence of a word and replaces it with another
-1:Word to search for 2:Replacing word (no parameter: opens
a textrequester)
-0 if possible, else 10
6. ChangeNext
-Searches for the next occurence of a word and replaces it with another
-1:Word to search for 2:Replacing word
-0 if possible, else 10
7. ChangePrevious
-Searches for the previous occurence of a word and replaces it with
another one
-1:Word to search for 2:Replacing word
-0 if possible, else 10
8. ChangeAll
-Replaces all occurences of a word with another
-1:Word to search for 2:Replacing word
9. CountOccurences
-Counts all occurences of a word in a text
-Number of occurences
10. MatchingBracket
-See menu 'Matching Bracket'
-No parameters
-0 if matching bracket found, else 10
*** BookMarks ***
1. GotoBookMark
-Goes to the mark
-Number of the mark (0..9)
-0 if successful, else 10
2. SetBookMark
-Sets a new mark
-Number of the new mark (0..9)
-0 if successful, else 10
3. ClearBookMark
-Clears a mark
-Number of the mark (0..9)
-0 if successful, else 10
*** Blocks ***
See also menu 'Blocks' for more information
1. Mark
-Marks start of a block
-No parameters
2. MarkVertical1
-Marks the left end of a vertical block
-Cursorposition of the left end (0..length of the line)
-0 if possible, else 10
3. MarkVertical2
-Marks the right end of a vertical block
-Cursorposition of the right end (0..length of the line)
-0 if possible, else 10
4. MarkAll
-Marks all lines (see same menu for details)
-No parameters
5. Cut
-See menu 'Cut'
-No parameters
6. Copy
-See menu 'Copy'
-No parameters
7. Delete
-Deletes all lines of a marked block
-No parameters
8. Paste
-See menu 'Paste Block'
-No parameters
9. PasteVertical
-See menu 'Paste vertical Block'
-No parameters
10. BlockRight
-Moves a marked block one position to the right
-No parameters
11. BlockLeft
-Moves a marked block one position to the left
-No parameters
12. UnmarkBlock
-Unmarks a block
-No parameters
13. InsertBlock
-Opens a filerequester, to load a saved block
-No parameters
14. PrintBlock
-Sends a marked block to the printer
-No parameters
-0 if successful, else 10
15. SaveBlock
-Opens a filerequester, to save a block
-No parameters
16. Foldmarked
-Folds a marked block
-No parameters
17. Fold
-Folds all possible parts of a text (seem menu)
-No parameters
18. Unfold
-Unfolds all folded text
-No parameters
19. FoldNext
-Folds next possible part of a text (see menu)
-No parameters
20. UnfoldNext
-Unfolds next folding of a text (see menu)
-No parameters
21. SetFoldOn
-Sets the keyword for the beginning of a folding
-The neu keyword
22. SetFoldOff
-Sets the keyword for the end of a folding
-Neu keyword
*** Moves ***
1. PreviousPage
-Goes to the previous page
-No parameters
2. NextPage
-Goes to the next page
-No parameters
3. BeginOfFile
-Goes to the very first character of a text
-No parameters
4. EndOfFile
-Goes to the end of the text
-No parameters
5. BeginOfLine
-Goes to the very first character of a line
-No parameters
6. EndOfLine
-Goes to the right end of a line
-No parameters
7. GotoLine
-Goes to a line
-Number of the line
-0 if successful, else 10
8. GotoColumn Remark: If the line is shorter the the column
-Goes to a column you want to place the cursor at, spaces will be
-Number of the column inserted at the end of the line
-0 if successful, else 10
9. NextWord
-Goes to the next word
-No parameters
10. PreviousWord
-Goes to the previous word
-No parameters
11. Cursor
-Moves the cursor up/down/left/right
-UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT (use capital letters)
12. Line
-Moves cursor the specified number of lines up/down
-Number of lines (e.g. 23, -45, +6)
-10, if the cursor reaches the beginning/end of the text, else 0
13. Column
-Moves cursor the specified number of characters to the lft/right
-Number of characters (e.g. 23, -45, +6)
-10, if the cursor reaches the beginning/end of the line, else 0
14. GotoByte
-Jumps to the specified byte (= character). The very first byte
is no.=0.
If the specified byte is beyond the end of the text, the TKEd jumps
to the very last byte in the text.
(Remember: The not visible 'Return'-character at the end of each
line is also one byte)
-Number of the byte ( >=0 )
-0 if ok, else 10
*** Delete ***
1. DeleteWord
-Deletes the word under the cursor
-No parameters
2. DeleteLine
-Deletes the current line
-No parameters
3. DeleteToEOL
-Deletes the current line from the position of the cursor to the end
of the line
-No parameters
*** Errors ***
1. FirstError
-Displays the first error of an errorfile
-If parameter = PROMPT : Shows a requester with the errormessage
-Errormessage (if exist), else 10
2. NextError
-Displays the next error of an errorfile
-If parameter = PROMPT : Shows a requester with the errormessage
-Errormessage (if exist), else 10
*** Keys ***
1. FunctionKey
-Executes one of the user-/ARexx-menus
-Number 0 to 19 (F1=0 ... F10=9, Shift-F1=10 ... Shift-F10 = 19)
2. MakeReturn
-Same as pressing the 'return'-key
-No parameters
3. del
-Same as pressing the 'Del'-key
-No parameters
4. backspace
-Same as pressing the '<-' -key
-No parameters
*** Buffers ***
1. GotoBuffer
-Shows the text in the specified buffer
-Number of the buffer (0 to 9)
-0 if any text is loaded, 5 if no text is loaded, 10 if error
2. GetBufferNr
-Returns the number of the current buffer
-No parameters
-Number of the buffer
3. FindBuffer
-Searches a buffer and goes to it (if found)
-Name of the buffer (not case sensitive); if no name is specified,
TKEd switches to the next free buffer (if exist any)
-Number of the buffer (0..9) if found; 10 if not found
*** Get information ***
1. GetLineNr
-Returns the number of the current line
-No parameters
-Number of the line
2. GetColumnNr
-Returns the number of the current column
-No parameters
-Number of the column
3. GetChar
-Returns the character at the cursor-position
-No parameters
-1 character
4. IsChar
-Returns whether the cursor stands on a character or not
-No parameters
-0 if character (a..z, A..Z), else 10
5. GetLine
-Returns the text of the current line
-No parameters
-Text of the line
6. GetLineLen
-Returns the length of the current line
-No parameters
Length of the line
7. LastLine
-Returns the linenumber of the very last line of a text
-No parameters
-Number of the last line
8. GetFileName
-Returns the name of the loaded text (without path)
-No parameters
-Name of the text
9. GetPathName
-Returns the path to the loaded text (without name)
-No parameters
-Path of the text
10. GetFullPathName
-Returns path and name of the loaded text
-No parameters
-Full pathname of the text
11. FirstMarkedLine
-Returns the number of the first marked line
-No parameters
-Number of the first marked line or -1 if nothing is marked
12. Language
-Returns the language used in TKEd
-No parameters
-'GERMAN' if german language is used and 'ENGLISH' if english language
is used
*** Write to text ***
1. WriteChar
-Writes down one character
-1 character
-0 if successful, else 10
2. WriteString
-Writes down a string
-String (up to 255 characters long)
-0 if successful, else 10
*** Interaction to the user ***
1. Request1
-Opens a requester to show a text to the user
-Text of the requester. If the keyword 'TKED' is in this text,
the requester will appear in the window of TKEd.
If not, the requester will appear in the the activ window.
2. Request2
-Opens a requester with two gadgets to show a text to the user
-Text of the requester. If the keyword 'TKED' is in this text,
the requester will appear in the window of TKEd.
If not, the requester will appear in the activ window.
-0 after clcking 'OK', 10 after clicking 'Cancel
3. GetNumber
-Opens a requester to enter a number
-Text at the top of the requester
-Number or 0 if the requester was canceled
4. GetString
-Opens a requester to enter a test. (up to 255 characters)
-Text at the top of the requester|Default Text
e.g. Enter a text|Tom Kroener
5. Beep
-Makes a 'beep' to signal the user
-No parameters
6. DisplayBeep
-Makes a 'Displaybeep' to signal the user
-No parameters
7. MakeTitle
-Display a text (for a short time) in the titlebar of TKEd
-Text to display
*** Misc ***
1. JoinLines
-Joins the current line with the previous line
-No parameters
2. CloneLine
-Makes a dublicate of the current line
-No paramters
3. SwapChars
-Swaps to characters
-No parameters
4. SwapCase
-See same menu
-No parameters
5. UpperCase
-Changes the character under the cursor from lowercase to uppercase
-No parameters
6. LowerCase
-Changes the character under the cursor from uppercase to lowercase
-No parameters
7. EnterAscii
-Writes down the ASCII-character belonging to the number
-ASCII-number of the character (0 < number < 256)
-0 if successful, else 10
8. TKEdtoFront
-Pushes the screen of TKEd to the front
-No parameters
9. TKEdtoBack
-Pushes the screen of TKEd to the back
-No parameters
10. WBtoFront
-Pushes the workbenchscreen to the front
-No parameters
-0 if possible, else 10
11. ReName
-Renames the text
-New name for the text
12. Delay
-Waits for the specified time
-Time to wait in 1/50 seconds (e.g.'Delay 50' will wait for one second)
13. Sleep
-Makes TKEd 'sleeping' (See menu 'Sleep'). The ARREX-program waits as
long as TKEd is sleeping; this is an easy way to make one AREXX-
program to wait for another: The second AREXX-program only needs to
send any AREXX-command to TKEd to 'wake up' TKEd and the first
program will continue.
-No parameters
14. StripAnsi
-Remove all ANSI-codes from the current cursor position to the
end of the text
-No parameters
Using AREXX, you can realise functions you miss: See the programs in
the directory 'TKEd:REXX' to have examples how to do this.
If you have installed AREXX and the command has the name 'rexx:makenumber',
you can start this program from the 'ARexx'-menus using the
command 'makenumber'.
* Other informations *
a) TKEd is reentrant and the pure-bit is set.
So it's easy to make TKEd resident.
b) TKEd can load and decrunch texts packed with the powerpacker.
TKEd decrunches the text to the ram disk ( 'ram:' ) and loads it.
Be sure to have the ram.device in your 'devs:' directory and the
ram.handler in your 'l:' directory.
If you have not enough memory to do this, first decrunch
the text with the PowerPacker (See Fish 253 for the PD-version of
the PowerPacker) and then load the decrunched text.
c) Most of the tests of my compiler for NIL-pointers, wrong types, ranges
and so on are still part of TKEd.
This reduces the speed of TKEd, but often prevents to see the Guru.
If TKEd crashes, a message will appear:
If this happens, I would be happy if you would send me a letter with
this message and the function of TKEd which you have called just before
error .
If you are a registered user I will send you a disk with the newest
version of TKEd; if not, I hope that you find the next published version
of TKEd (having less errors) good enough to send me the share.
d) If you miss a feature, write to me (you need not to be a registered
user to do this).
I will try to add the mostly asked features to TKEd.
e) Nobody is perfect. If I have written 'press right button' and
nothing happens, keep cool an try the right one.
I often say 'right' when I mean 'left'.
f) If you want a TKEd using french, spanish or another language:
Send me a letter (or better a disk) with the correct translations
of the texts in 'TKEd:Data' for your language.
With this data, I will add a menu for your language to the
If you have criticism, suggestions, errortools, good AREXX-scripts,
trouble with TKEd, error reports, gifts or something else
write to
Tom Kroener
Richard Wagner Str. 40
D-6602 SB-Dudweiler
--- Tom